
February 11, 2012


Update: O.K. now I messed up my
post. The column is narrower than
before and it gets cut off ;sorry!
I'll have to ask TCP about the blog


  1. Miss Susan, you dizzy? Now you know how I always feel. Giggle. Go hug some fur - that always makes you feel loved.

    Silly, Dizzy Prudence sends you BIG HUGS.

  2. The blog looks great Susan. I almost was afraid that I didn't know who's blog this was:) I had to go through previous posts to make sure. Ha Ha. I am so dumb. Any way as I was going through old posts, I realized that I have missed a ton. Then it dawned on me that blogger is not updating your blog on my sidebar every time you post so I have missed a ton:( That happens sometimes. I will go in and reset my blog reel. Have a great weekend my friend. -Steph-

  3. Love your new header Susan, it's lovely! What blogger background are you using? The 3rd party backgrounds like this one from TCP usually work best with a Minima or Picture Window blogger template. The other problem may be that this TCP template is not set up for a 3 column blog like your old one was? And the new blogger templates actually have quite a range of fonts, the only pain is you have to go in and change each one for your headings, footings, blog posts, links, etc. Hope you get straightened around soon, it is so frustrating when it doesn't work like you want it too!

  4. The header looks great Susan.
    I'm sure you'll get the rest of it figured out!
    Prim Blessings

  5. Love your header picture, so prim! I go bonkers when things get all wonky too, it is probably an easy fix, just need to find the missing link!


    1. Thanks, everybody! Brenda of The Rusty Thimble fixed it for me. She resized the
      image, Minima (which I had to switch to
      for the TCP blog template I wanted) has
      preset column and header widths and Bren
      did it for me!
      Thanks Brenda! Thank you for everyone that tried to help and that responded to my call for help.


Your comments make me so happy.I love reading your comments! It lets me know what you like or don't like to see & read on my blog. I will always try to answer each of your comments.