
February 10, 2012

Meet Two Prim Artists and A Blogger Friend Is Honored

Hi, Primmies ~

If you like fireplace cooking and spinning wool, visit Piggy Wiggy Primitives. There are also pictures of their home which are beautiful. A prim drool fest. They are also a member of The Primitive Handmade Directory. The make handmade make-do prim lighting, tape looms and flax combs. 
I thought you'd enjoy this fellow Primmie.

Also, stop by and visit with Tam of A Primitive Place 
where she has just revealed her "secret". Tam has been chosen to have her bears featured in

Teddy Bear Review magazine! How awesome is that!! Here are her two newest bears, Stanley and Stella  (STELLL-LAH!):

Are they adorable or what???!!!?
Congratulations, Tam. If you haven't read about her awesome honor stop by and read her post and
leave a comment  here A Primitive Place.
I'm sure she'd love more best wishes.

Next is Angel Bug Prims Anniversary Giveaway
It is a beautiful heart make do that is 9 1/2inches
tall and 5 inches wide. It's perfect tuck size:
Isn't it sweet? Wouldn't you love to win this? Well
Click  Here to enter and say "Hi".



  1. Thanks Susan for the heads up on these great blogs!
    Enjoy your day,

  2. Thank you, Susan for sharing all of that. You always have such interesting and informative posts. Have a great weekend :)

  3. The bears are just wonderful! And I entered the giveaway...hope one of us wins! ♥

  4. Thanks so much for posting about my teddies.


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