
October 9, 2011

I'm So Proud Of This

This is my friend Sheila's of Seasons Of Thy Heart First Tree and it's a gorgeous Halloween Tree. This one was custom made for a customer but she's working on a few more orders. She's been wanting to do a tree for a while and she
really did a fantastic job on this one. Here are more picture highlights and close-ups:

Look at the Witch Hat tree topper and all the gorgeous black and orange ribbons, decorations and ornaments.

Look at these feet! Aren't they a hoot? It just perfectly completes the tree, between the Witch Hat Topper and these incredible Witch Boots I don't know which is more perfect.
Read Sheila's blog post HERE about the making of her trees and more goodies she has been making. She's been a busy gal. Love it, Sheila, you did a beautiful job, my friend!                                                                     Warm Regards,


  1. this tree is awesome, I love anything that Sheila creates. She does such nice work. Lecia

  2. Wow..Now that is one cool tree. I thought my pumpkin tree was cool but oh my Sheila's is awesome.
    Happy Fall Susan!
    Hugs Trace

  3. Many thanks Susan for the kind comments!
    Have a wonderful day my friend~


  4. Hi, Trace,
    I know, it's sooo pretty! Those feet get me!


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