
October 8, 2011

A Great Tutorial and Really Awesome Blogs For You To Visit

Hi, everyone, I'm back again with another awesome blog I found in bloggerland. You are probably all familiar by now
with appliqued candle mats. This one is different from the
wool felt appliqued and penny type candle mats. Connie
has a couple of cool steps to this tutorial and there are links
to more of her beautiful work. Please visit her blog when
you get a chance. Click HERE Connie at Quilting by the River.
Another really awesome blog I hope you sewers visit is HERE For Karen at Sew Many Ways. Karen has blogging tips, craft projects,
recipes, recycling projects, sewing tutorials and lots more. Each
day of the week is another theme with lots of fun.
Until next time...


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my centerpiece on your blog! I am enjoying my visit too!

  2. Beautiful! Thank you for the intro


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