
August 15, 2011

More Of My Favorites

Hi, Primmies, family is here for the week and I am pressed for time
so this is just a quick peek at what I found while blogging today.

This cute little cross stitched "Boo" bag by Widgets and Wool on Primnest:

These "Boo" Garlands by Barbara on her blog Village Folk Art

'Night, Primmies


  1. I love the Halloween goodies you have on your blog. This year is flying by. I can't wait for the fall to get here and cooler weather. I have my big scarecrow just waiting to come out of the shed.
    take care.

  2. Hi, Sandy, I have to say that Halloween and the fall season in general is my favorite time of year and those are my favorite decorations as well. Christmas is right up there, though. Mr. Glen Oaks says that we have three times as many boxes of Christmas things as fall and Halloween, but I still love Fall!


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