
August 21, 2011

I'm Back (sort of)

Hi, Primmies,
Here's a new giveaway for us to enter. It's from A Primitive Place and Country Journal's blog. This will be their last giveaway before Fall arrives.

The items to win are all Bee Skep-themed. There's a candle mat, a beeskep for your tabletop,
a beeskep and sunflower-themed list pad with magnetic backing, and an Autumn Harvest-scented soy jar candle from Star Mills Candles. Click HERE to go to the blog page to enter the giveaway. The contest starts now and ends at 9 P.M. on August 26, 2011. The winner will be announced on August 27th
later in the evening.
I seem to have caught a virus after being at the hospital last Thursday evening for an
MRI on the cervical and lumbar areas of my spine. Every time we go to the hospital it seems we catch something. Yuk! Mr. Glen Oaks has been feeding me soup and Pepto Bismol.
At least whatever this is waited until today, his mom left on Friday. So I'll just be taking it easy for a couple more days.
Goodnight for now...


  1. What a great give-away. One of these days I hope to try making a penny rug. Count me in on your drawing. Have a blessed end of August and soon to be autumn.

  2. Hi, HoneycreekPrims, in case you misunderstood, the giveaway is at
    A Primitive Place and Country Journal
    blog. In my post, click where it says
    HERE to go to their page to enter.
    Warm Regards,

  3. Hope you are feeling better - good thing hubby was on hand to care for you!
    PS LOVE the music 'Canon' by Pachelbel is my favorite and was played on our wedding day!
    Have a great day!

  4. Christine, thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. "Canon in D" was picked out for my daughter's wedding for me to walk to as I was escorted to my seat, she loved classical
    music as a little girl, not so much anymore sadly.
    I thought I was feeling better until a moment ago. Ugghh, this just hangs
    on, whatever it is it won't die (I think I might).
    Get better with your sinus infection soon.
    Warm Regards,


Your comments make me so happy.I love reading your comments! It lets me know what you like or don't like to see & read on my blog. I will always try to answer each of your comments.