
March 16, 2013

Folk Art and Primitives Etsy Team Giveaway Winners

Hello, everyone. Today the artists of the blog and team of Folk Art and Primitives announced the winners of their first giveway from their ETSY team.
I won Group Number One and I'm so happy. The win came at a particularly sad time for me and it really, really made me happy again.
Go to their blog site HERE to see their new blog and to see all of the prizes, artists' work and winners of their huge giveaway.
Take care, stay safe and happy. We're expecting more snow today, and next week for the first day of Spring we're expecting 6-12 inches of snow! Oh, well, the daffodils are already poking thru so it won't be long now.


  1. Congratulations on your win. I'm sorry about your sadness and hope all is well.

  2. Sorry to hear you are sad Susan and congrats on winning

  3. Congrats on your win Susan!I am so glad that winning brightened your day.Hugs,Jen

  4. Congrats on winning, Susan. That was such a wonderful and generous giveaway :)

  5. Congratulations on your win Susan...Enjoy!
    There is snow on the ground here as well, but alas, we are one day nearer to Springtime!
    Be happy, be well...
    Hugs to you,

  6. Good morning dear Susan!
    I was so tickled to see that you were one of the lucky winners on our FAAP giveaway! I know you will enjoy the wonderful goodies. We have such a talented group of gals.
    More snow?!
    Tom was able to rake the yard yesterday as the snow is finally gone here in the valley. Mountains still have plenty and that's good. Today the wind is howling and I wonder if we'll loose power at some's that bad!
    Have a great St. Patty's Day~
    Bless you,

  7. Susan, congratulations on your giveaway win and glad that it helped to ease your sadness. Whatever the problem is, you are in my heart and my thoughts, Deb

  8. Congratulations Miss Susan!! So sorry to hear you are not doing well. Your package from me went out this morning. Hope you like all your goodies. Get to feeling better, Spring is on the way!!
    Warm Wishes,


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