
November 28, 2012


Hi, everyone.
It seems I've done it again and gone and won a blog giveaway!
This win is from Brenda of The Rusty Thimble, and here's
what I won:
Isn't he cute? We're putting our tree up very soon, as soon as the mister is home long enough to bring out the boxes. He's so busy, and he's having such a hard time with his ruptured disc. I don't know
how he does it, really I don't.
The tree will be covered with Rusty Thimble ornies this year.
I'm not writing too much tonight. I've been having a hard time myself with the back pain. I canceled my last appointment because of the compounding companies meningitis outbreak in the corticosteroid shots. That's all I need. I think 23 people have died from it. Until I'm certain that the Pain Center is completely clear (they assured us they are) I won't be getting any shots.
I worked on Polly Daggett some yesterday. It was slow going getting back in the swing of cross stitching on tiny threads of linen.
I love the sampler though. It's really a work of "heart" for some lucky winner someday soon!
Good nite, everyone, and take care of yourselves.


  1. Oh Susan do not go until you know it is safe

    congrats on winning the two snowman ornies


  2. Congrats on this great win Susan! Sure hope you both can find relief from your pain soon. Can't wait to see your sampler! ~*~Lisa

  3. Yes, he is very cute. I know he will look great on your tree :)

  4. Good Morning
    What a adorable win from talented Brenda.
    Praying for you and your hubby.
    Woolie HUGS

  5. Hi Miss Susan,

    We are so excited that you won this bee-u-tee-ful ornie, maybe you will take a picture of it on your Christmas tree? As you know, Mom loves - LOVES - Christmas trees. Yup, we have 7 up in our house.

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence ♥

  6. Lucky you indeed! Brenda's creations are awesome!
    I wouldn't take the shots either until sure they're clear - really hope you get relief and your hubby also.
    Best wishes
    PS You're most welcome to enter my giveaway too!

  7. Cute snowmen! Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  8. Congrats on your win from Brenda! Praying for you and your hubby.Glad to know that you are playing it safe with the shots.Hugs,Jen

  9. Oh my, CONGRATULATIONS Susan! I feel certain that your tree shall be ever so special covered tip-to-toe with lovely handmades.
    Wishing you well ...
    With healing hugs,

  10. Hey Susan, glad you see you blogging again but I certainly know how it is. Shocking, isn't it, about the meds being bad!!! Your little ornie is so cute!


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