
April 12, 2012

Just A Quick Hello

Clementine Crate Doll Bed

Dear Primmies:

I know most of you are talented enough to make doll furniture from fine woods, but I thought this was cute and it's also very inexpensive. You could do this project with an older child, but still young enough that she loves her dollies still.
You can just click on the link below the photo. It will take you to Martha Stewart and the page that this project is on.
I'm sorry to say that the shots didn't work out as well as they did the last time. I have leg pain that is pretty extreme, maybe they hit a nerve.   I'm just so grateful that God put this doctor in my path and that he put the Pain Center in my path. I am genuinely fortunate to have the procedures available to me, too. If you don't see any posts from me, I'm just resting and taking it easy again.
It's sunny but chilly today. Mr. Glen Oaks has a job he's been working on for a few days, the sketching part and materials amounts, etc. He'll be going to the doctor's home to be doing this custom laundry room, the doctor was the one that did my EMG last week. He saw the book John was reading and the conversation went from there. He doesn't advertise and has no blog or website. I keep telling him he needs to do all of that.

He's hurting so badly, too, and he's determined to do this project because jobs are so hard to come by around this area. I'm so proud of him, I couldn't do this heavy physical work if it was me. I have trouble just sewing  dolls!
Speaking of sewing, I APOLOGIZE big time for not having the sampler finished yet. This is why I am sorry I started blogging about it until I was finished. But, I had the rabbit giveaway for that reason. 
So we're buzzing here at the homestead with excitement about both of our projects. I can't wait for the post about being finished with the sampler, and starting the giveaway. I should just plan on saying it will be in May now!!
Ashley and Timmy are set up at a flea market every Sunday. It's their "new" thing. I get to see their stash before they bring it, did I tell you about the awesome green antique chair they gave me? I still have to clean it up to take a picture of it and find a home for it in the house. I love it. More seating for the dollies.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I'm wishing for sunny, warm weather for all of you, in case I don't talk to you again before the weekend.

I also want to say "Thank You" again and  "Welcome" to the new followers I have. I seem to gain 1 or 2 every few days lately. I'm so THRILLED! I can't email some of you so I'll say it here. And my friends that write and see if I'm o.K., you are wonderful for thinking of me.

Hugs To You All,


  1. Hi Miss Susan,

    I see a teddy bear........

    Hugs ♥

  2. I love your little doll bed, so cute. I am sorry to hear that you are having problems again, but glad to hear your doctors are working with you. That is great news about your husband working. Hoping you are feel well again soon. Cyndy

  3. No need to apologize! I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes LIFE steps in and other things take precedence over blogging and sewing. LOVE the little doll bed. That's yet another thing my eyes have been looking at to collect... miniature doll furniture. It's too sweet.
    Thanks for posting the link.
    Take Care!

  4. Good Morning Susan
    Been thinking about you and the Mr.

    Hoping your pain is much lighter
    Prayers and hugs to you both! Blessing to Mr Glen Oaks as he works

    My comments that a few these days are short but know that you are loved. Send me an email if you want to visit
    My work seems to be taking longer then usual these days as well, so I am around, getting rounder spending more time on my rear LOL


  5. Hi Susan. Rest rest rest! Sorry the pain isn't better. It's so important to like and trust your doctor and I hope he will find some relief for you.

  6. This is a precious little bed to make. I have so many projects that I want to work on...when I find time. Sounds like you and your hubby stay busy all the time, too! Enjoy the week!

  7. Morning Friend
    Lifting you and your Mr. in prayer!
    Nothing is too difficult for thee friend.
    Love the sweet bear and bed. so cute.
    Hugs Trace

  8. Hi Susan,

    I'm sorry to hear the injection hasn't brought you the relief from pain that you were hoping for. Being in pain takes a lot out of a person and makes it hard to do the things we want to do. Hope you're feeling better soon and in the meantime I hope you're resting comfortably.


  9. Dear Susan - don't you fret about the sampler but enjoy it as and when you get a moment!
    Truly hope your pain eases with treatment.
    Best wishes

  10. Hi Susan,
    Sorry to hear about your pain-not going away.
    Congratulations on your win over at the Kid's blog. Hoping that you can get everything done that you would like and you can get some relief from your pain. Mr.'s too!

  11. Oh, no apologies now. Good news to hear for your hubby. I'm praying for the both of you now :o) Plod through the pain as best you can, with that doctor's help I hope.
    That is a clever way to make miniature furniture.

  12. Good Morning Susan . I hope this day starts out fresh and free of pain for both you and the Mr. .
    I can't wait to see both of your projects . I too am looking forward to warmer sunny days . It has been cooler here . Today is supposed to hit 63 . Yes ! Now to get outside and get some more plants in . (-: Have a wonderful weekend !

  13. I am glad your hubby got a job. What a wonderful provider to keep on going under such pain. I am sorry that you aren't feeling better. I keep on hoping for you though. I can't wait to see the green chair. Don't feel sorry about the Sampler. It will all be done in due time. You are so sweet. -Steph-

  14. Girl, I am sorry you are in this pain but very thankful like you said that God has provided this doctor and pain center. You have a good man that still works hard to take care of you despite his pain. I am praying for both of you. God is in control of it all and will take care of you!

  15. Susan, I am so sorry to hear that you and your hubby are still having pain, praying that it eases for you both real soon. How fortunate that your hubby was reading that book and that your doctor noticed, I am sure he will do an amazing job and I am in awe of him doing that manual labour when he is in so much discomfort. Your samplar will be wonderful no matter when it gets done, you do what you can when you can, wishing you both ease my friend. Deb

  16. Sending you and Mr. Glen Oaks warm and positive thoughts. May you both enjoy a path to pain-free days! The sampler shall keep...take time slowly and do as you are able.

    Gentle hugs...

  17. Such a cute little bed. Hope that you wil be feeling better soon. Hope all goes well for Mr. Oaks as well.

  18. Susan, the doll bed is so cute. I also look for ways to display my dollies. Thanks for sharing this with us :) 'Hope you are feeling better very soon also.

  19. Hi Susan ... So sorry about your pain. It really alters one's thoughts and activities. Just be reassured the 'Lord is in Control', something I must remind myself of frequently. Your sampler will be finished in due time... and that's Okay. Take care of yourselves and I will keep you in my prayers.
    Warm Regards,

  20. Oh sweetie, I'm so very sorry the shots didn't work as well as they did before and your still in pain. Bless your heart, know I will pray for ya.

    That little yellow bed is just cute as a button!!!

    Have yourself a perfectly blessed day sweetie!

    Feel better...Hugs! :o)

  21. Thinking of you & sending you a hug

  22. Hello Susan I sent you an email. have not heard from you. HOpe you are ok, been thinking about you

  23. Hope all is well and you are just very busy.


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