
March 30, 2012


Hello, Primmies :

Tonight while wandering through my Reading List I found a new blog, My Stitches To Treasure by Deb.
She's a terrific prim artist and she's celebrating one year
of blogging and online sales. She opened an Etsy shop, started her blog and a Facebook page. To celebrate with us she's offering us a chance to  win this adorable prim sheep:

My Stitches To Treasure Giveaway Ends April 12,2012

Isn't he awesome? Just click the link above to visit with Deb and get to know her, and to enter her giveaway.

Not much to report going on here at the homestead.
We're grilling some turkey breasts on the outside grill and we're slowing dismantling the upstairs rooms and finding places to store things down here. Mr. Glen Oaks did a fantastic job clearing out the sunroom so that I can get to my supplies. I couldn't believe the fabric and patterns I found this time around. I've spent the last few days and nights quietly sitting and cutting out patterns and organizing them. I have a lot mounted to heavy cardstock so that I have strong templates.
I'm taking it very easy this time and giving the shots a chance to work. They seem to be, keep your fingers and toes crossed for me that it's working! 
The new issue of Create and Decorate arrived here yesterday, and there's another great doll featured by Kim Grasso, the artist that designed Miss Peabody that I did as a giveaway. This one is called Miss Molly, do you see another giveaway coming your way?......
'Nite, all -



  1. Fingers and toes crossed here...hope all goes well!

  2. Hi Miss Susan ♥

    The lamby is so bee-u-tee-ful, we love the words "Faith, Hope, Love". That sums up how we feel here.

    Happy Saturday ☺

    Heaps of Hugs

  3. Isn't it one of the cutest ever? Sheep are the latest "animal" I'm collecting, being that they are in my wallpaper... trying to find them that match and this one fits the bill so I'm hoping to win it:)

  4. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for the heads up on Deb's giveaway. That is one adorable sheep. Keep taking it easy so the injection can work it's magic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs

  5. Hi Susan,that is a cute sheep from Deb! I am glad that you are taking it easier and praying that the shots continue to work.Have a great weekend,Jen

  6. Deb is a VERY talented gal and a good cyber friend! Glad you discovered her!
    By the way, you need to stop by my blog:

  7. Hi Susan-
    What a wonderful post you have done for me- I am very touched! I already have some new friends as a result of your post! I have enjoyed looking through your blog and am now a follower- I love making new friends!
    Glad you are taking it easy after your shot so you get as benefit as you can from it.
    I am thrilled to meet you and Thank You ever so much for your kind words!

  8. Hi Susan-
    Thank You so much for your kind words and wonderful post! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank You for helping me celebrate. I am a new follower and love your blog.
    Take it easy and let the shot work its magic!
    Thanks, again-

  9. Deb is a very talented artist! I got my Create and Decorate too and love it! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Oh yeah, Deb... she's on my etsy team, and yes a very good needle crafter and wonderful gal. Good luck to those who've entered her giveaway! It's always fun making new cyber friends. Thanks for featuring her Susan :o)

    Oh and there's always remodeling that needs done. I'm so glad you're taking it easy this time and I hope your shots are working for you. Mmmm, grilled turkey sounds yummy!

  11. hope that all goes well with your shots! take it easy and give them time to work.

    and I love Deb's stuff!

  12. Great feature on a very talented artist! Thanks so much for sharing her with us!


  13. Sounds like a lot of spring cleaning:) I am happy the Mr. can help you so you can take it easy. Grilling sound yummy. If it will stop raining for 5 minutes we might be able to uncover ours. Thanks for the link to Deb's blog. -Steph-

  14. Hi Susan,
    I love Debs work and the sheep is fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing a wonderful talented artist!
    Sounds like you and Mr. are keeping busy!
    Enjoy your day,

  15. Hello there my friend~
    glad you are taking it slower this time with the shots. Perhaps they will be more effective this time. Keeping you in my prayers.
    Miss Peabody is doing well, The boys think that's a funny name and Alex thought I said "pea brain" and giggled uncontrollably. BOYS! He's given her more carrots so she is quite content, he also told me he didn't mind if she shared his chair cause he didn't need it anymore cause he's getting big.
    Got that right!
    Anyway, when I got my new Create and Decorate the other day and saw Miss Molly I thought I'd try to make her too, sometime down the road though. Not right away. Love Kim's patterns!
    It's WINDY as heck today, last night I didn't know what to expect. Wild night.
    Hope your Sunday is calm.
    Blessings and hugz~

  16. Hi, everyone:
    I wanted to thank all of you again for the loving concern you all expressed for me after my latest round of injections. And I want to thank all of the new followers that have joined me. Some of you have "no reply - blogger" on your name so I can't email you personally, so 'Thank You' to those gals too that I can't reach.
    The weather turned cold and damp here and I think that was affecting my back and leg earlier, but the pain is gone so I really think these last shots are working!
    Tomorrow is a work day for me, and I'll be practicing my paper clay sculpted doll heads too. I'm excited about that and all of the "new" patterns I found in my stash. Wednesday I need to go fabric shopping before I go to my appointment at the Pain Center. I'm also hoping to get to the Christmas Tree Shoppe in Needham on the way to Waltham.

  17. Hi Susan, I just adore your blog, the background, the dolls, the giveaways, and especially your interesting writing. Simply put, I could spend hours reading and enjoying.

    Thanks for stopping by for a visit...
    P.S. Your first IW will be great I'm sure!

    Smiles, Bethann

  18. Susan, Thanks for stopping by my blog and joining. I am glad you enjoyed the bit about making legs. They really are quite easy! I will be doing a tutorial on making a doll sized straw bonnet in the near future, be sure and stop in anytime, I love recieving comments!!!!

  19. Susan, Thanks for stopping by my blog and joining. I'm glad you enjoyed the bit about legs with built in stockings and shoes! They really are quite simple. I am going to be doing a post about making a doll straw bonnet in the near future, be sure and stop in. Now, I am going to go look around your lovely blog!!

  20. Im a new follower from Katherines Corner - Thursday Favorite Things Hop.
    I love your blog! Ive been a cross -stitcher for many years..but havent stitched in a while, I need to start up again! =)

  21. Hi Sue, lovely post you did about Deb, she is a very sweet gal! Glad to hear the shots are working and keep taking it slow. So glad you are able to get back to what you love! Deb

  22. Thank you Susan! I went over there to follow her and added her to my Etsy circle.


Your comments make me so happy.I love reading your comments! It lets me know what you like or don't like to see & read on my blog. I will always try to answer each of your comments.