
March 15, 2012

Another Birthday Surprise & Polly Progress

Good Morning Primmies ~ First I want to thank everyone SO MUCH for all of the loving birthday wishes you sent to Ashley.
And I also want to thank the many new followers that joined
in February and the first week of March. And of course, my
long time followers, I adore all of you and you guys keep me going!

I sat in the house yesterday thinking of something I could add to the sampler for Ashley, and the first thing that came to mind was her dog, Opie. She loves that funny looking little guy. I love him to death, too. He just wants to cuddle and he loves everyone.
So I took a teddy bear pattern and tried to figure out how I could make it look like a dog. He has jowls like a French Bulldog and his head is sort of squarish. I'm not finished, so don't laugh, but this is how far I got and I'll finish him today and show you the finish. Here is the real Opie in case you don't remember:

Now, remember don't laugh, here's the stuffed version:

He will look better today. I'll have his arm and legs on, he'll have his collar on with a big rusty bell hanging from it. The collar is being made from some pieces of leather that were in the tack room at Prudence's family's farm in Connecticut. Prudence is the shop keeper where we found all of those awesome antiques right before Christmas, we were driving aimlessly and came across her shop after the Christmas tree farm. Anyway, she gave me a lot of it. So Mr. Glen Oaks is making me the metal buckle in his shop.
I think she may cry when she gets the Opie dog. She just would not be expecting something like this.
Don't you like to surprise people on their birthday? So many kids "tell" you what they want, and we go and buy those things that they want, and where's the surprise? She's not that way since she got married. She really stopped giving us "the lists" 5 years ago.
So, I'm at the sewing machine today, I have a Raggedy Annie cut out and she has the round baseball head and I hoping to finish her too. Mr. Glen Oaks will be in the shop, that's our day today.
How are you spending yours? What are you working on?
Let me know, I love hearing from you. 
Finally, some more progress on the Polly sampler. The hubba got me extra strength readers at Walmart, I got three pairs for $9~
Can't beat that, and I can see the linen!!
 It's looking pretty close to the original (on the right). 
I'm pleased and I told you earlier I think I have the perfect size frame for it from Prudence's stash (Yay Prudence again!).
Until tomorrow, be safe and enjoy your day.



  1. Oh Miss Susan,

    Little Opie is so precious. And YOUR Opie is adorable. What a wonderful job you did and he looks just like the real Opie.


  2. I loooove the real Opie and your creation IS JUST ADORABLE. I'm sure Ashley is going to be blown away at this perfect gift made just for her from your loving hands and heart.
    Your sampler is coming along just beautifuly - and I stopped doing this years ago because of the eyes.
    You know...the eye dr. gave me a prescription lense that's a PRISM...boy does it work great.

    Blessings and enjoy your's sewing for me.


  3. Surprises are indeed the BEST! I just love the sweet stuffed doggie you are making! How realistic...I thought he WAS real! ♥

  4. Susan, why would anyone laugh? Your little Opie looks just too cute! Ashley's going to be thrilled with him.


  5. Oh my goodness, you are off to a great start on little Opie! I think he looks fantastic!!

  6. Good afternoon Susan, Ooooh my gosh! Opie is coming out fantastic my friend, you have captured him perfectly. Ashely is one lucky daughter, to have a mom that is so Loving and thoughtful and so very creative and talented to boot! She is going to Love him, nothing more better than recieving gifts that were made with LOVE! Wishing you a fantastic day! Hugs Mary

  7. The Opie look alike is sooooo great. I can't believe you created that pattern yourself!!! Yes, she will love it and probably cry. What awesome work you do. Hooray for super strength readers. Have a great day.

  8. Aww, Opie is adorable and your stuffy is looking just like him! Ashley will squeal when she sees it. Your sampler is looking great! I love samplers :-)

  9. Good afternoon girl,
    you amaze me! I started to cry when I saw the first picture of Opie! I know the sampler is going to be special but the doggie will put her over the top! I'm excited to hear how her birthday goes.
    WE just got home from grocery shopping and visiting with my MIL. Hubs job finished up yesterday and it's not looking good for anything construction wise any time soon. Ugh! again. . .

  10. Opie is adorable and his stuffed one is too.What precious gifts Ashley is receiving.Love how the sampler is looking.Hugs,Jen

  11. Hi Susan,
    Your rendition of Opie is Fabulous!!
    Love your sampler too!!
    You have been busy!
    Enjoy your evening,

  12. Little Opie and stuffed Opie are both so cute! What a sweet gift!

  13. Ashley is going to love it ~ you did a wonderful job!!!
    Your stitchin is coming along nicely too!!!
    Prim Blessings

  14. Just adorable friend.
    WHat a great mom you are. OPIE IS SOOO CUTE!!
    Happy Friday
    Hugs Trace


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