
February 21, 2012

Random Ramblings From The Granddogs and My 7 Random Things

Good Morning, Primmies ~ 
How is everyone doing today? I've been up all night and now the whole house is up. Mr. Glen Oaks and I are having coffee and Mr. Glen Oaks Junior is having Oreos and milk (and candy corn that he's sharing with me).
The kitties are awake now, too!
Oooh, granola bars (junior brought his own snacks)!
O.K., on to my post. You might remember that I had a pleasant surprise when we were asked to dog sit this weekend. I had a ball with the dogs and we made cheesy woofins together (woofins is my word for dog muffins):
"Come on NaNa, hurry up~put the camera away"

Lily and Opie adding the wheat flour and shredded cheese

"NaNa, you don't have to bake these, it's good just like this"

"I want to help too"

"Who asked the big dude to the party"


Lily making woofins with NaNa

 A grand time was had by all. Everyone eventually made up.

"I just can't get rid of the big guy tonight..."

"He loves me, who could resist this face?Oh, you dog lovers probably want the recipe. It's been taste tested and doggy approved."
                         Good and Cheesy Dog Biscuits
Posted by Monique on June 8, 2009
"If your dog is anything like mine, he loves cheese! This is an easy recipe for dog treats that is sure to please all of your pups".
1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1 1/4 c. grated cheddar
1 stick softened butter or margarine
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1/4 c. milk (or as needed)
Pinch of salt
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees ***My changes here:(if you make woofins use a mini muffin pan and bake on 350 degrees for 20-22 minutes)***
Mix all of your ingredients, except for the milk, in a mixing bowl. To the mixture, add just enough of the milk to form a ball. Put the "cheese ball" into the fridge to chill for about a half an hour. Roll it out onto a lightly floured surface. Cut it into cute dog bone or hydrant shapes. Bake them for about 15 minutes or until firm.
Makes 24-36 biscuits (depending on your cookie cutter size)
***My change here:If making in mini muffin pan, bake until edges are browned and centers are firm, about 350 degrees for 20-22 minutes, all ovens are different so just watch them and adjust the time and/or temp.***
 ***My changes to the recipe
 I was recently awarded The Versatile Blogger award. As far as I'm concerned, every blogger I know should have this little award.
Now, about the 7 random things that you may or may not know about me:
1. I hate snakes
2. I love lobster
3. I love classic movies from the 30's and 40's
4. I am dog lover but ended up with 2 cats (don't tell them I like dogs better)
5. I'm "hyperopic"(gotcha on that one!) 
 6.I love 18th century furniture and clothing
7. I was a freckle-faced red head until I was 11 and then became medium light brunette




  1. Hi, Sweetie! I had a fun time with you and the dogs this past weekend. Thank you for being so good to Junior, we're going to have a fun week.
    The blog looks good, hon. I love you,

  2. Hi Miss Susan,

    Oh boy, do we love your doggies. They are all so precious. What Mom? Oh, I mean your grand-doggies. Giggle.

    Spoiling, spoiling, that is what we love to see.


  3. Hi, dearest Prudence:
    Yes, they are spoiled, spoiled dogs, their Mumma spoils them too.
    I'm so glad you love the dogs, too.
    Miss Susan

  4. Love the recipe and wow you have beautiful GRANDDOGS! What fun.
    Loved learning more about you too.
    Hugs Trace

  5. Susan,
    that had to be one of my most favorite posts! Love those grand-dogs and how they enjoyed helping you in the kitchen.
    We have two grand-dogs. They captured my heart long before the boys came to be. I make them bone shaped treats for Christmas every year!
    Hey, we got snow late yesterday. Roads are horrible this morning. Now the high winds are kicking up.
    I'm staying put. Have a great day!

  6. Looks like the grand-pups had a great time baking with Nana.. ;) TFS the recipe, might have to make some for my Spencer boy.

    Oh and see, yep, I did leave two comments today!
    Hugs, Traci

    P.S. Love your sweet comment from Mr. Glen Oaks♥

  7. Hey Mumma,
    I am so glad to see my babies having fun! I always hate to leave them but they are so good at getting spoiled by their Nana:)Thanks again!

    Luv You,

  8. Susan, it looks like you had a ball with the furbabies and your grandson.
    I hope Mr. Glen Oaks is feeling some what better today and you too.
    Hugs your little sis,

  9. Your pups look like they can hardly wait on the treats!

  10. Congrats on the award Susan. By the time this award gets around, I bet most of us will have it. What a fun thing to do. It's been fun getting to know more about you. I love dogs more too. But go figure, I don't have one, just a cat. -Steph-


Your comments make me so happy.I love reading your comments! It lets me know what you like or don't like to see & read on my blog. I will always try to answer each of your comments.