
February 10, 2012

New Giveaways

Good Morning~

There are lots of new giveaways going on in
Blogville, check my sidebar. They are in order
by deadline to enter the giveaway.
Here are a couple  of new giveaways that I just found:

Isn't he adorable? He is made by Kim of
The Barn Hollow . Click her on her blog title to visit Kim's blog and sign up for the giveaway. It will
end March 17, 2012 or sooner if she reaches 200

Here's another giveaway from Brandy of the
The Lil' Prim Cabin  is giving away these cuties:

These two primitive cupboard tucks were handmade by Brandy. The winner will be announced Feb.29th.
Just click her blog name link above to visit Brandy and to sign up for her giveaway.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing my giveaway Susan!! And Brandy's prims are just adorable.
    Warm Wishes,


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