
February 8, 2012


Hi, Primmies ~
This post is overdue as far as I'm concerned. I had trouble loading
pictures from camera to computer
to my netbook but they finally made it!
My bloggin' buddy Brenda of
The Rusty Thimble sent me some of the prim perfect Rabbits she's been making. It's her Rabbit she makes with the coat made from old quilts,
and you HAVE to see them in person
so I highly recommend that you buy one (heehee). Seriously, they are
This is the best picture I seemed to take, look at the dreamy creams and tans and his rusty nail paws, cheesecloth scarf and hand stitched details

Look at the blanket stitching she did all the way around his quilt coat
Close up of rusty nail paws and sweet annie and herbs tucked in his little coat pocket,
Look at that face;sisal whiskers,

I love how she made the stuffins' coming out of him!

I knew he was coming to our house to live, but these were a big surprise and this is how she does things, from her generous heart!
 My very own Chocolate Rabbits

Chocolate Rabbit Closeup

I've always wanted these because I marvel at how they look like real molded chocolate bunnies

Brenda sent me a pair and I'm so thrilled. They are going in my grandmother's dough trencher that she made her biscuits in all her life. My Dad gave it to me before he passed away when she was still alive and in her nineties (she wasn't makin' biscuits anymore) They will be in a bed of green excelsior and I have to make some of those great grungy fabric carrots to lay around the rabbits

**Note** Brenda hit 1,000 followers just the other day! If you haven't been to her blog you must visit
The Rusty Thimble and be sure to look at her newest items, her exclusive carpenter apron pockets. They really are quite gorgeous:
Daisy Pocket

Americana Pocket
This is Brenda's current giveaway that you can enter for HERE

Here's one more (I couldn't resist)
Sunflower Pocket
This  primmie is going to watch a movie now. Of course I'm on Turner Classic Movies and it's an
Edward G. Robinson movie, Mr. Glen Oaks' fave
actor (well, besides Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis
ok, he's got a lot of favorites). I'm gonna rest these
bruised bones and snuggle with my kitty Biggie,
the mistah has Puffy.


  1. AHHH how sweet Susan love the pictures you took of the bunnies

    HOPE you are feeling much BETTER this morning, let me know what the exrays show when you get home for the doctor
    I am so happy you like them

  2. Checking in on you this morning! You must be a bit better today? I hope so. Rest and watch movies sounds good.
    Brenda sure makes some beautiful prims. I just rec'd the Americana pocket and she also sent me one of those "no calorie" chocolate bunnies! Now I'm thinking I need one of those bunnies like yours! The detailing really shows up in your pics.

    1. How sweet Sheila, I just spread love everywhere, you all make me feel so special


  3. Susan, Brenda does beautiful work. I love the bunny and then she sent you 2 chocolate bunnies. They are to darn cute. They look like you could really eat them.

    Big Hugs lucky girl,

  4. Love your bunnies from Brenda, yes, she makes wonderful prims and has a heart of gold!! Hugs, Lecia

  5. Susan,
    Love Brenda's things. I have a bunny too, I won her giveaway last month and just received my little patriotic bunny a couple of days ago. I need to get pictures of mine too!! I am way over due in blog thanking her.
    Tell Mr. Glen Oaks, one of my all time favorite movies is Key Largo!! It was on TCM a couple of weeks ago, I DVR'd and have watched it probably a half dozen times, just love it.
    Warm Wishes,

  6. What an adorable bunny. Such awesome details. I am going to check out her creations. How lucky you are to have the little cutie. Blessings ~Sara

    1. Hello Sara, thank you I love making the rabbits well all of my creations


  7. Such wonderful bunnies you got from Brenda ~ she does do wonderful work and she has a heart of gold always putting in those sweet little extras. Enjoy!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Oh, he's so beautiful! I had the honor of winning one of Brenda's handmades last year so I know what you mean about the detail she puts into her work, it truly is amazing!! The little chocolate bunnies are so cute too! They are gonna look adorable in the trencher. I love how they look good enough to eat, hehe!

    1. Hello Angie, how sweet, thank you a bunch

  9. Susan,
    I am just replying to all your comments

    Gee I feel loved
    Hugs to you and to them


Your comments make me so happy.I love reading your comments! It lets me know what you like or don't like to see & read on my blog. I will always try to answer each of your comments.