
February 17, 2012

I Do Like Them Dirty

Hi, Primmies:

On Wednesday I did a post about a wish list I had started. I listed some patterns from Victoria of Kentucky Primitives. Well, in the
post I made a comment about how I like Primitives and of course
my blog has primitives in it's title, but I said how some of them I
didn't make because they looked a bit on the 'dirty' side. WELL,
I take that back!! And this is one of the reasons why:
Photo copyright Create & Decorate All American Crafts Inc.
~Upate: I  found the link for Kim Grasso's patterns. Click
Kim's Whims ~
Can you stand it? Isn't she ADORABLE? Her name is
"Miss Peabody" and she is designed by Kim Grasso. The
pattern and directions are in the March/April 2012 issue
of Create & Decorate. And she's a huge bunny. I don't know
exactly how big of a bunny she is but she's at least two feet
and maybe 8-9 inches, so she's close to one yard in length!
Now here's the fun part and what changed my mind about
being 'dirty'. Kim supplied some grunging instructions to
go along with the finish of Ms. Peabody and there are two
methods that she gives. Now I know everyone that does
extreme prims probably knows about the recipe(s) but I did
not know about this one ingredient: molasses! I had heard
about the coffee and spices and vanilla, and even brown
craft paint to make a nice deep stain, but molasses was
news to me. I think that this rabbit is going to be the sweetest
smelling prim I've ever made. Here is Kim Grasso's method
for grunge:
" add two tablespoons of instant coffee to every two cups
of boiling water in Mason jar; if desired, add 1/4 cup of
vanilla, 1/4 cup of molasses and a tablespoon each of ground
cinnamon, nutmeg, and/or cloves. Shake to mix and set aside".
Also, if using a spray bottle to apply she says to only use if
you aren't adding ground spices because they will clog your
spray nozzle. In that case paint the mixture on the rabbit,
undies and dress. Some of you like to paint the grunge on 
anyway as opposed to spraying on. 
So now you know why I changed my mind about dirty, grunge-y
prims. I'm apt to change my mind a lot, so don't mind me!

If you don't have this month's issue of Create & Decorate, it's also got some really nice folk art painting projects, more sew-
ing projects and punch needle, rug hooking a sampler and also
mixed medium projects. There are free projects included on the
website so don't forget to check if you aren't buying the
magazine. Here's the link again: Create & Decorate.

Ms. Peabody will be my next giveaway item after the sampler
I'm working on. Speaking of, I'm coming along with the sampler nicely, I'm starting the dividing band after her name 'Polly
Daggett' and there's the bottom urns and the rest of the borders.
I'm having a harder time with the borders than anything else,
so I'm leaving them for the end. They were supposed to be done
first but I was making too many mistakes! (like Polly)

Hugs to all my Primmies,



  1. Oh, now see, that's my girl! I love dirty prims the best, LOL... grungy, dirty, tattered, & ragged...I just call them well loved!

    Cute bunny! Can't wait to see your sampler. As for the molasses, just be careful and use in moderation. Because of the sugar, it makes the surface very stiff and it can mold in highly humid conditions.. Hugs, Traci

  2. Oh, thanks for telling me about the molasses tip. I wouldn't want mold on my dolls, even if it would make them look primitive!

  3. Susan,
    Kim's stuff is just incredible, how she comes up with something new for every issue is amazing to me. She's a wonder for sure!!
    Warm Wishes,

  4. Isn't she just the cutest bunny? Love her and grungy prims like her!
    Best wishes

  5. oh I copied this formula and will definitely do this versus how I have been doing it..I love that prim bunny,;) thanks for passing this along you are a sweetheart..have a great weekend.:)

    1. Hi, Gina! I'm glad you liked it. See Traci's caution about the molasses, tho.
      She said it makes the items stiff and the molasses can mold in humidity. Eeeck!
      Maybe if we bake it dry??

  6. Can't wait to see your prim bunny all done up!
    Sounds like you don't have much more to stitch on your sampler.
    Hope you have fun creative weekend!
    Prim Blessings

  7. I love the bunny, the grungier the better to me. He He Hugs, Lecia


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