

Greetings from Boston, Massachusetts Postcard
Hi, Primmies... I stitch reproduction antique samplers and dolls. I also have lots of great artists and their sites featured as well as tutorials and some recipes for you to enjoy. Eventually we will have our own items for sale. Until then I hope you will enjoy the content, please leave a comment on any post you wish to.

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February 9, 2012

"Babes from the Woods" by Kathy Patterson: 12" Lady Louise Higgs..............finished and available............

Hi, Primmies  ~
If you've been following  me for a while you know my first love is dolls. And reproduction folk art and historical dolls send me over the moon. One of my
favorite doll  makers is Kathy Patterson of
Babes From The Woods. Kathy has just offered for
your consideration Lady Louise Higgs, a Queen
Anne English Wooden reproduction doll:

Click the link below to visit Kathy's blog & see all of the photos and for more information on where to purchase~

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