
January 31, 2012


Hi again, Primmies:

I got my package today from Tricia of
Hillcrest Home Prims . I only knew that

she was sending some Christmas items
and "surprises". Well, oh boy was I

             Snowman Shelf Sitter, his little legs dangle

Adorable Snowman Votive Holder, he's on my cupboard shelf next to my Snowman Crock.

This adorable peppermint stripe candle ornie and      a Grubbied Candle Light       
                        Pretty knitted Mitten Ornie   

This was a total drool fest surprise. Wrought Iron Candle Stick that holds the little skinny tapers.

Finally, this wonderful Snowman in Santa Hat. I love everything, Tricia, and I can't believe how
generous you were to me. You are a wonderful
friend. Thank you so much!
I'm way behind reading blogs and commenting
and also on my stitching. I know, bad primmie but 
this primmie has the nasty habit back of not being
able to sleep at night again. So I'm exhausted and
fall asleep in early morning for a few hours. Not
the same as a restful nights' sleep. I haven't had one of those well I can't remember. I am so looking
forward to that visit with the Pain Center in
Boston. I haven't received my appointment yet. It's supposed to be only a two week wait. Finger's crossed...

I have to go with the Mister tomorrow morning, he's having an EMG and he's been having trouble holding on to things so he might want me to drive.
Can you imagine, I guess a lot of you can because
you craft, your hands failing you? He's a woodworker and finish carpenter so it's reeking havoc with him. I feel so badly for him. I hope the doctor can help him, too. He's got a killer headache.
On a happy note, the kitties are all better. Puffy's rash is gone and Biggie isn't losing his meals
as much, just when  he has a  hairball. The special
food from the vet is really helping. They are due for
next treatment of flea and tick med. They are both
sleeping on the top of the sofa next to Mr. Glen Oaks. So sweet, they always know when one of us
isn't doing well. They watched closely while he
colored my hair last night. I don't know what they
were so interested in, Puffy had a worried look.
I always feel special after the Mister does my hair.
I haven't been able to get Tricia so if you happen to read this girl, THANK YOU!



  1. WOW, Susan! You hit pay dirt! What a wonderful giveaway! It will be a nice surprise next year when you pull it out to use! Congrats on the win! ~~Annie

  2. Wonderful goodies, so pleased for you, Susan!
    Tricia has been v. generous - Love the little snowman in the hat!
    Take care

  3. Hi Miss Susan,

    Oh boy, Christmas in January, what wonderful prezzies. Sure hope you and Mr. Glen Oaks have a better day today. Be careful on the roads.

    Ah, your kitties sound so lovely. Sure hope Puffy's rash stays away and Biggie doesn't have tummy trouble anymore. Do you know about CatLax? It's in a tube and it's for fur balls. You put a smidge on your fingertip and kitty licks it up - it must taste really good cause kitties love it.

    Yes, I know all about fur balls. I, myself prefer A little olive oil. It does wonders for my mohair luster & I don't have "beardruff". Giggle.

    Heaps of Hugs

  4. Morning Susan... Love all the goodes Tricia spoiled you with. Oh dear, my heart goes out to Mr. Glenoaks...I hope that it's nothing serious (maybe something pinched somewhere in his back) I have a hand that likes to fall asleep on me with needle in hand...numb fingers can't hold a needle too well. Wishing your pain away and a restful nights sleep for you dear... Hugs & ♥Traci

  5. Good morning Ms. Susan!
    Wonderful goodies from Tricia-everything is so cute. I've been told she's a very generous gal~
    I'll keep Mr. in my prayers today. My hubs is a carpenter and over the years he's had trouble with his hands too, but usually a trip to the chiropractor takes care of it as his comes from a pinched nerve in his back. Having to wear a harness with 40 lbs of tools, climbing ladders, will do that.
    How nice that he helps you color your hair ;-)
    I'll email you later.
    Hope all goes well today,

  6. Congrats Susan, Tricia sent you some wonderful goodies

    Hope the mister gets good news at the doctor, and you get your appointment real soon

  7. Tricia is sweet. Everything she sent to you is lovely. I love the candle stick. I am happy for you. Sorry you're not sleeping well. -Steph-

  8. Thanks everyone! I've heard that there's a problem leaving comments on my blog and I'm trying to check on it. I'm taking a nap after my soaps!

  9. Hi my friend, I am so happy that you love everything I sent you!!! I know how much you love everything by your voice on the phone!
    I have the best gift from you, your FRIENDSHIP!!!
    Big Hugs friend,
    Tricia XO

  10. Hi Susan! I see where you actually joined my blog back before Christmas when I was waxing icicles and I'm just now getting over here to meet you! Following your blog now and looking forward to following you this year. =]

    Tricia is a real sweetheart! She sent you lots and lots of wonderful prim things, how fun!

    Sorry about your sleep issue and hubby's pain. I hope you are able to get it all taken care of real quick.

    Nice to meet you and have a wonderful week~

  11. Oh my gosh, you are spoiled girlfriend!!! All such wonderful surprises!!!
    Prim Blessings


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