
January 5, 2012


Hello, Primmies -
Well here I was just sitting around reading about samplers cuz I'm behind in doing a
follow up post and in walks Mr. Glen Oaks
with a little package for me. I wasn't
expecting anything so I couldn't figure out
what it was. TOTAL SURPRISE, it is from
Linda of Parker's Paradise. Do you remember her post from January 3rd when Linda 
shared her latest works, adorable hand- 
stitched pillows with the cute childlike writing and drawings. Linda backed them with mattress ticking fabric and some with red check fabric. WELL, THAT'S WHAT I
GOT, a stitched pillow from her. Mine has
the vine with little red berries stitched from
French knots and the alphabet in the middle, signed like a sampler by "Ann Z 1864".
How did she know one of my favorite times
in history is the Civil War period?? My pillow
is backed with a simple tiny pale blue and white striped fabric. I love it, Linda! 
This is a truly genuine act of kindness, thoughtfulness and love. 
You are amazing, Linda. I will always think of you when I look at my sweet pillow.
Hopefully gals, photos will follow. 
But I wanted to get this posted today . Go to
Linda's Jan.3rd post HERE to get an idea of
what my pillow looks like.
Back to my samplers, I'm still re-working the
wording and scanned photos.


  1. How sweet! Surprises like this are the very best! I'm happy for you! You are always so sweet in your comments and everyone loves you! ♥

  2. OOOO!!! Those stitched pillows are cute. I am so glad that Linda sent you one. Seriously she is one of a kind. How wonderful for you. -Steph-

  3. oh Susan you lucky ducky..I love those favorite so far is the willow tree..I love what it says.;) Linda is wonderful isn't she..:)

  4. Hi Susan,
    How sweet of Linda to send you a surprise goody.

  5. So sweet of Linda to do that. Doesn't it make your day when you get those little surprises in the mail???
    Prim Blessings


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