
January 23, 2012

Cute Tutorial For Valentines

Hi, Primmies -
I found a cute and easy tutorial for these  Patchwork Cones  from the people at Crafts n Things magazine.
I see these made from old quilt scraps, burlap with
a muslin liner. The muslin could be gathered at the
top making a ruffle and of  course tea/coffee dyed
and as grungy as you want. A cinnamon dough
heart on the outside, a rusty heart or even a rusty snowflake. You gals are all so creative I'm sure you
could take this basic tutorial and make a great prim item from this. Maybe a red osnaburg fabric cone grungied and/or sanded worn spots, burlap or muslin liner ruffled or not. *i like ruffles*
I worked on Polly Daggett sampler this afternoon
until I made my first mistake and then I stopped.
That's what I do, stitch until I make a mistake cuz that  means I've stitched too long for my old eyes.
I felt much better by tonight, made Swedish meat-
balls in brown gravy, buttered noodles and a salad. Not really allowed on  my new diabetic diet but I ate small portions. 
Mr. Glen Oaks is doing poorly tonight. He had a bad pain day and can't get comfortable. Poor guy.
I don't know what to do for him.
I've got to clean up the kitchen so I'll close now.
I hope sometime tomorrow I'll have really gotten
far on the sampler and have another picture for you. Take care and have a very nice night all.


  1. looks like an easy craft. I am designing one in my head right now. Thanks for sharing. Hope you and hubby are feeling better. Healthy meals are always good for us. Have a blessed day. ~Sara

  2. they are actually called tussies I believe is the name Susan

    I make my cones fuller and use the old quilts with old vintage tatting for trim, I have also done them out of music sheets, I have a couple of pictures with some rabbit heads email me if you want to see them


  3. Morning Susan
    So sorry to hear your hubby is in pain. I will say a little prayer for him. Love the tutorial. So cute. Can't wait to see your progress on your sampler.
    Love & JOY

  4. Miss Susan,

    We are so sorry to hear about Mr. Glen Oaks having bad back pain. Maybe you could make him laugh, tell him I know all about pain....cause I AM ONE! Giggle.

    Be safe and rest, both of you.


  5. This looks like an interesting use for some of those pink fabric scraps I just made. I was looking for another project to make for Valentine's decorating and this works for me. Have a great day. Hugs

  6. Praying your hubby will be feeling better..
    Your music is so soothing..
    Also, your cones are lovely..
    God bless..

  7. Hi Susan,
    Love your tutorial-if only I would sew. It is not that I don't know how to I just lose my mind..not much more to lose!
    Hope you all are feeling better soon-esp. the Mr.
    Enjoy your day,

  8. Thanks Susan!!!
    Hope Hubby feels better today!
    Happy Stitch'n
    Prim Blessings

  9. Thanks for the link to the tut. They are cute and can be done to anyone's liking. Sorry your hubby isn't feeling well. -Steph-

  10. Love the cones, Susan! I think they are so pretty..I might have to make a couple for myself. Hope your husband feels better soon. Your dinner sound so good..I love Swedish meatballs! Can't wait to see your sampler!

  11. love those cones..will have to try those..have it printed out..and swedish meatballs sound yummy..I hope you both get to feeling better soon.)

  12. Thankyou for sharing these, It makes me want to try some with stiffy and fabrics I have collected from goodwill, of all things the most beautiful baby clothes, talk about your ruffles. This stuff is cheap, you can get great finds and alot of the intensive stitch work is done, so lets hear it dor upcycling!!


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