October 2, 2011
Cheeky Kitchen » Pumpkin Praline Ice Cream
Ok, everyone, last night it was the glazed donuts, tonight I had to stumble across this Pumpkin Praline Ice Cream. I'm weak and have no self control and I am ashamed but I'm going to
have this anyway! I'll be the full of ice cream ashamed blogger vegging in my living room if anyone is looking for me!
Click the link below to go to the Pumpkin Praline Ice Cream Recipe:
Cheeky Kitchen » Pumpkin Praline Ice Cream:
'via Blog this'
Freebie Witch Cross Stitch Charts
Download the PDF HERE Free Chart Witch's Kitchen
This cute pattern is used as a key fob but it can be a cute little pillow for one of your dolls or bears to hold. The designer made a chart for "Witch" and also a chart for "Home" (not pictured):
Download the PDF HERE Free Charts WITCH or HOME
It's been a lazy day here, have a pork roast in the crock pot with apples, baked sweet potatoes with maple syrup, pecans and brown sugar (I know, the sugar again) and God help me, donuts later.
I wish I had never found that donut recipe!! Mr. Glen Oaks is on a
roll in the kitchen.
I'm still sorting through the "craft room" which I had actually taken over from the 3 seasons room and had everything put in there.
I'm amazed at the patterns I have. I have quite a lot of fabrics, lots
of white wool felt (shouldn't I be making more pumpkins?) that I
originally bought to make baby things. Ashley lost a baby in December 2011 and I haven't had the motivation to make anything with it. It's so beautiful, though, it's a shame to let it just sit. I found some REALLY PRETTY fabric and patterns and a few kits for rabbits in the Nursery and Storybook themes and I have a feeling that I might be a Nana anytime now. I've been seeing sly looks pass between my daughter Ashley and SIL Tim. We'll see...
Have a good nite, Primmies