October 2, 2011
Freebie Witch Cross Stitch Charts
Download the PDF HERE Free Chart Witch's Kitchen
This cute pattern is used as a key fob but it can be a cute little pillow for one of your dolls or bears to hold. The designer made a chart for "Witch" and also a chart for "Home" (not pictured):
Download the PDF HERE Free Charts WITCH or HOME
It's been a lazy day here, have a pork roast in the crock pot with apples, baked sweet potatoes with maple syrup, pecans and brown sugar (I know, the sugar again) and God help me, donuts later.
I wish I had never found that donut recipe!! Mr. Glen Oaks is on a
roll in the kitchen.
I'm still sorting through the "craft room" which I had actually taken over from the 3 seasons room and had everything put in there.
I'm amazed at the patterns I have. I have quite a lot of fabrics, lots
of white wool felt (shouldn't I be making more pumpkins?) that I
originally bought to make baby things. Ashley lost a baby in December 2011 and I haven't had the motivation to make anything with it. It's so beautiful, though, it's a shame to let it just sit. I found some REALLY PRETTY fabric and patterns and a few kits for rabbits in the Nursery and Storybook themes and I have a feeling that I might be a Nana anytime now. I've been seeing sly looks pass between my daughter Ashley and SIL Tim. We'll see...
Have a good nite, Primmies
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