
December 26, 2011

A Surprise From 'The Dogs'

Hi, Primmies -
I hope everyone had a beautiful day yesterday. 
If I hadn't read Karen's of My Colonial Home post
on Christmas eve I never would have known about
this fun website. If you haven't yet seen her 
Christmas eCard please watch it. It's so adorable.
So, I laughed and laughed and then went to the
site and made one for my daughter Ashley and
Tim from the dogs. Click the link below to see their dogs' Christmas card to "Mumma and Daddy"

Opie,Lily and Toki Sing Rockin Around The Christmas Tree

I've got to get myself in gear and start stitching.
I'll give you a hint, it's hand stitching, on linen,
with floss, can you guess?
'Nite, everyone -


  1. OMGosh Susan....that is a hoot!
    I'm sure your kids absolutely loved theirs.
    Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet post!
    Blessings and Happy New Year.

  2. I've seen a few of those jib jab cards and they really are the cutest! I want to make one, too! heehee! Enjoy your week! ♥♥♥

  3. So fun! I can't wait to see what you are creating with linen. Hugs!


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