
December 20, 2011


Ok, Primmies, for anyone out there that loves gingerbread houses like I do, this post is for you. Every single year since
I can remember, Nana Glen Oaks has made gingerbread houses. I got my own for years. Sadly, it stopped when I left
home (guess I was too grown up Mom figured). Then, woohoo! when Ashley was born they started being made every year at Christmas all over again. So you can see why they are special to me, besides the fact that they are doggone good to eat. I could never bring myself to eat mine, but Ashley never felt that way!
Here are some photos of gingerbread houses made by various people. You can find everything gingerbread houses by clicking the link at GINGERBREAD HOUSE HEAVEN
They offer templates for those of you that are challenged in
the  kitchen like me. They are for sale but they also offer some FREE TEMPLATES HERE. You can get lots of ideas
on decorating them and places to get your supplies, I think
that you can get pretty much everything at your local stores.
Enjoy the post, it's picture heavy:
                                                Photo copyright Gingerbread House Heaven
                                                Photo copyright Gingerbread House Heaven
                                                 Photo copyright Gingerbread House Heaven

Photo Copyright Gingerbread House Heaven

                     Photo copyright Colette Peters and EdibleArt

                            Photo copyright EdibleArt

                              Photo copyright EdibleArt
I hope you enjoyed these ideas. Gingerbread houses can be as simple or as elaborate as you can imagine. I personally like the little gingerbread houses Mom always made. The roof was a little sagging and the walls were a little uneven
some years but they were full of love. And that's the best
kind of house you can make.
Merry Christmas,


  1. Susan,
    I love them!
    I've only attempted one, years ago my girls and I bought one of those premade kits from Walmart. LOL!
    I want to try those small gram cracker kind, maybe this year of I can find the time.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs and Merry Christmas!

  2. Tam,
    I love the ones with the mini Shredded Wheat biscuits for the roof like a little thatched roof house in England or Plimoth Plantation. Very prim and just adorable. That would have to be my favorite but I didn't see any pictures with that roof.
    I'm glad you liked it.
    Oh, and that baby sock you made into a stocking for a gift, shame on me I can't think of who you sent it to now cuz I read a ton of blog posts, is adorable and so perfect for a prim tree. And those striped stockings with the fur, so
    whimsical. You think up the cutest things.
    Merry Christmas,

  3. Thank you Susan for sharing the wonderful pics of the absolutely gorgeous gingerbread houses! I've wanted to make one for years but there is always something else to do. I am in complete awe of the time and talent that goes into them.
    You certainly find some wonderful sites to share. Thanks!


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