November 29, 2011
Here he is, my win from Steph at Front Porch Primitives!!!
Thanks so very much Steph for hosting the giveaway.
I hope your family gets well soon, these viruses lately are awfully hard to shake off.
Hello, Primmies,
My profile and some blogger gadgets and such are M.I.A. This happened to me a few months ago and my laptop is in the computer hospital, so I'm not sure if the tech is doing some-
thing or not. I CAN'T LEAVE COMMENTS and I'm so frustrated.
(Big Sighs...) I wanted to thank everyone for congratulating me about the win from Steph and my blogger profile doesn't show up at the bottom of people's comment box. I have to sign out/sign in and even then I don't think the comments are going through. The message says that my email is not authorized. Duh... I remember my profile doing this a while ago.
Does anyone know how I can fix this? I would really appreciate any bit of help my fellow bloggers can give me.
My mail is also wacky. There are messages in the inbox that show up hours after the person sent them to me. In one case, a whole day. I almost missed that I won the giveaway.
I feel like buying myself another notebook for Christmas and starting over. But, if it's Google, that won't matter.
Aha!! I just went off IE and went on Firefox and guess what?
My profile is back for the comments boxes on fellow bloggers' sites. Hopefully it will stay on, but I still don't know what happened to my blog template. Sorry everyone. I hope it gets fixed soon.
Warm Wishes,
Susan, I don't have any idea but it looks like I can leave a comment. Congrats on your great win!