
October 19, 2011

While I'm Thinking Of It

Hi, Primmies,
I want to take this moment to thank ALL of my followers. When I
started blogging in May every time I picked up a follower, I'd
scream out to hubba, "hunny, I've got a follower", "hunny, I've
got another follower,  "hunny..." you get the idea! I've picked up
quite a few in the past week alone and I'm thrilled. I feel like
such a winner. I know that  a lot of it is due to your very sweet
comments and one having me on their blog list has led to another
and another, and I have ALL of you who've visited to thank.
My little group of early followers, you know who you are and I
will never forget the feeling of happiness you gave to me from
finding me noteworthy to follow along with.
Also, I realize that every once in a while I have something on the
blog that isn't "truly Prim". I hope you won't hold that against me
since I call this Glen Oaks Primitives, but some artists' work is
just SO beautiful (like the vintage train case) that I think there's
others like me who can appreciate the beauty. My heart is Prim
even though I like to "window shop" and peek in some different
store windows.
'Nite, Primmies...


  1. And that, sweet friend, is what makes life interesting. (o:

    I didn't know that much about primitives until I found you and that opened up a whole new world for me.

    I agree, our followers are very special friends and are to be honored & loved.


    Of course then there's Prudence...

  2. I still get all excited when I gain a new follower!!!
    Prim Blessings


Your comments make me so happy.I love reading your comments! It lets me know what you like or don't like to see & read on my blog. I will always try to answer each of your comments.