
October 3, 2011

Voting For LuLu and Flora's Corner on The Bear's Blog

Hi, everyone, don't forget to vote for LuLu and Flora's Corner
Name The Babies giveaway. Voting is open until October 6th.
Here is some of the prize:
Everyone is very excited over there so stop in to vote and
say "Hi". 

Go to The Bear's Blog to vote.
Aren't they precious? They are so excited to have their
own blog name! And, let's welcome Lori, a talented bear
and doll designer and miniaturist.
O.K., friends I'll talk to you later...


  1. Ah, Miss Susan - gee whiz (bear paw kicking at the dirt) thank you so much. I think my cheeks are warm, Mom says I am blushing.

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence, LuLu & Flora

  2. Prudence, LuLu and Flora, you dear sweet
    bears. You warm my heart being my friend.
    Warmest Regards,


Your comments make me so happy.I love reading your comments! It lets me know what you like or don't like to see & read on my blog. I will always try to answer each of your comments.