
October 11, 2011

This Will Make You "Cackle" and A New Giveaway!

Hey, Primmies, are you finished laughing yet? Isn't this one of the greatest Halloween displays you've ever seen? And did you get a
load of that mountain view?  This is from Jacqueline at Purple Chocolat Home and she is responsible for those fantastic Tablescapes you all loved a few posts of mine back. For lots more 
gorgeous photos and to enter Beaulah's Giveaway (what, you don't know who Beaulah is?) click Beaulah's Giveaway. One winner will win this very pretty 3-Tiered Halloween Cake Plate by Glitterville (giveaway is for cake plate only):
Good Luck, Primmies...


  1. oh I love these witches and the plates rock..i tried going to the site..but it says not found.;O) maybe she is posting.;)

  2. Love the witches ~ too funny!
    You mean we can't have the cupcakes??? Thats the best part!!!
    Prim Blessings

  3. Hi Miss Susan,

    Wellll, you know I'm "ascared" of spooky stuff, but this is okay. I even like the purple witch. (o:

    Mom said that the "dinnerware" is great. (o:

    Um, those cupcakes....wish I was there. Giggle. I would eat all of them.


  4. I'm so sorry about the bad link, everyone. I fixed it and all should be well.
    Prudence, I'm glad you were too
    "ascared". These are friendly Old Crones.
    Warm Regards,


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