
October 1, 2011

Oh-oh, I'm Gonna Be In Trouble...

Do you see what's in this picture? Do you see why I'm gonna be in trouble (have to control my sugar b/cuz of Type II Diabetes)? And if you are reading this, you're going to be
in trouble, too!
I just found this recipe blog and Mr. Glen Oaks is going to

have some baking/cooking to do. Click Coleen's Recipes: GLAZED SPUDNUT (style) DONUTS to go to Coleen's posts for the donut recipe. She has lots of other recipes, too.
Uh-oh, Mr. Glen Oaks was looking over my shoulder when I
posted the picture of the donuts. He wants me to send the
link to his computer now! I smell hot donuts frying...

'via Blog this'


  1. Thanks for stopping by Buttercup's. Had my first pumpkin doughnut yesterday. Yummy!


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