
October 18, 2011

My Candlemat Giveaway Win Has Found It's Place Of Honor

Hi, Primmies,
Tonight, miracle of miracles, our ancient digital camera decided
to cooperate so I can show you where my beautiful Candlemat
from PAULA'S PRIMITIVES has found it's new home:
This is my teensie dining room/gathering room where I have an
antique drop leaf table and my Eldred Wheeler bowback Windsor
Do you see why I was so excited to win? The pattern on the candle-
mat goes perfectly with my old Pfaltzgraff Village Folk Art water
pitcher. It was a gift from my sister Rose and BIL Dan. She has
been buying up pieces of this series like mad and has sent me a
complete service for 6 so far. She says they are very hard to find
and the accessories even tougher to get. The water pitcher is a
This is just a closer view of the candlemat pattern. I tried to get
close enough to show all of the hundreds of little delicate, even
stitches that Paula did throughout the mat.

Can you see a little bit better, the tiny even stitches along the scallops on each side and on the appliques themselves? The
blanket stitches are also so perfectly, evenly spaced. I don't
know how Paula's stitches all came out so perfectly! I can't do
that even on a little stitching area. Her work is just lovely.
So this is part of how I spent the evening. Sipping more chamomile
tea with honey and we're about to watch a disc that came from
Netflix today, the series from 1985 called North and South.
I shall talk to you all again soon, primmies. Have a happy night.


  1. Gorgeous! It was meant for you, thanks for sure.

  2. I love that candle mat..very unique..I love doing that blanket stitch..I love making penny rugs looks great with that pitchur too..hope you enjoyed your evening relaxing and watching your movies.)

  3. I too love and have folk art dishes. I have been collecting for years. I am now hooked on old restaurant ware dishes. I just love the candle mat. Paula is soo talented. Goes perfect with your pitcher. Beautiful!
    Hugs Trace

  4. Lovely. Perfect for fall.


    Prudence is under her covers, she saw Miss Pea's post and it "ascared" her. (o:

    Hugs, hope you are feeling better this morning.

  5. You were destined to win! You are such a thoughtful winner! Enjoy

  6. Good morning Susan~
    What a beautiful candle mat! Just perfect for your table display with your water pitcher. Glad that your camera was working so you could show it off.
    Have a wonderful day.


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