
October 5, 2011

Looky What I Got Today!!

Look at the surprise I got in the mail today. I knew it was on it's way but
didn't know exactly when. It's always wonderful when there's a package
with your name on it, no matter how old you are!
Here's what it looked like when I opened the envelope:

The first thing I noticed was the wonderful aroma of spicy-sweet
apples, yum!

I opened the very lovely prim notecard with this awesome rooster graphic on the front. It was a sweet note from a wonderful new
blogger friend, Trace of Granny Trace Scraps and Squares!!
Next I sniffed the wax tarts some more!

And then these beautiful 3-dimensional scrapbooking birds. You can't see the details but the nests and the birdies are beautiful and the flowers have little white crystal accents, from K&Company.

Daughter Ashley uses this brand faithfully in her scrapbooking, they
are her favorite company. And, finally my gorgeous prim candlemat:

It's all wool in these dreamy autumn colors, with the two appliqued
pumpkins in wool, here's a closer view:

See the little button on the pumpkin? It's such an adorable piece,
my first prim candlemat!!
Thank you again, Trace, I love the candlemat and for all of the
extra goodies you sent. We have the Baked Apple Strudel warming
in a tart burner right now and my candlemat has a new home on
my hutch with my salt glaze stoneware.!
Warm Regards,


  1. Blogging friends are so sweet. Love your goodies Susan.
    It's been raining here all day, I'm baking and in between crafting.
    Bless you,

  2. Your so very welcome new friend!
    Happy Fall!

  3. You got some great gifts there. I love those tarts from Walmart. They really smell good. Love the pumpkin.
    I love also to get packages, it seems like Christmas when you get a bunch of stuff in the mail.
    take care,

  4. Trace is a sweetie! Love the goodies you got ...that candle mat is adorable.Hugs,Jen


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