
October 18, 2011


Good Morning, Primmies,

In case you forgot, today is the LAST DAY to enter the AccuQuilt
Go! Baby Giveaway, the deadline is 11:59pm(CST) October 18, 2011.
Click HERE to go to Connie's blog post for the Giveaway at         Quilting By The River
Also, CHECK MY BLOG SIDEBAR For New Giveaways that I've
added since the weekend if you haven't already.
Bye, I'll be back later on...
p.s. I know these
haven't been new
Christmas images
but I have to get
Fall out of my
system. I know,
I'm a stinker...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Susan...yes you can hire me for your next gathering..I play a mean hand tooter.;) have a great tuesday.:)oh and I am not cheap...but I can be had.;)I'm just sayin...


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