
September 13, 2011

Spectacular Giveaway and Two Ladies You Have To Meet

Hi, Primmies, here's the post I promised.
Meet Tracey from French Larkspur blog. She is
having a giveaway on her blog that Heather from Post Road Vintage. is hosting. Tracey has a beautiful blog and a Website where she sells Jeanne d'Arc Living products. Heather has a beautiful blog as well and takes gorgeous photos. The giveaway is for a $300.00 (yes, THREE Hundred Dollars!) gift certificate to spend at Post Road Vintage,
Heather's web store. Click Here to see Post Road Vintage Fall 2011 catalog. She's also on Etsy. Look at some of these beautiful photos:

I didn't want to spoil your fun looking but I had to sneak in a few beautiful picture.
Simply go to Heather's shop Post Road Vintage and take a look around and go to French Larkspur
and read Tracey's post about the giveaway and follow from there. Totally easy and enjoyable!
And be thinking about what YOU'LL buy with that $300 gift certificate! (I have)
'Nite, Primmies

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