
September 21, 2011

I found this really fun tutorial in my stored documents while looking
for another file this morning. I cannot take credit for this tutorial,
and unfortunately I did not make a note of who the author is because
I was  not blogging then and never anticipated re-printing it. Also,
I do not have the color of the craft paint she used, just find one that
comes the closest to real caramels. I got my faux apples at Walmart,
they are red Empires and look so real!
Maybe you can enlarge the photo and see what it says down in the
left corner. You might have the magazine. NOTE: Please remember
that you should not re-print and sell this tutorial since it is most
likely copyrighted. This is just for YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
1. Insert your popsicle sticks into the top of your Apples. If you'd like, you can pull out and add a dab glue. 
2. Place your Apple onto a large piece of Wax Paper. 
3. Mix approximately 1/2 the bottle of Mod Podge about 2-3 
teaspoons of your craft paint. (I don’t have the color that the author used, just pick a color that comes close to caramel).  
4. Stir with popsicle stick. 
You can add more if it's not opaque enough. 
Or adjust the color to your preferance. 
I wanted mine a little darker, so I added a few squeezes of a darker brown. 
5. Now with your plastic spoon, spoon colored Mod Podge over your Apples. 
Let it drip down the sides like real Caramel would. 
6. Repeat over all the Apples. 
You can let some of the Apple peek through 
near the bottom, this just makes it look truer. 
7. Sprinkle your Corn Cob litter on the top and lightly down the sides. 
8. Place your Apples onto a new piece of Wax Paper to dry OVERNIGHT! 
I checked mine in the morning to see if the glue had 
dried, then lay them on their sides for another half a day to dry the bottom. 
9. Once your Apples are completely dry, Spray them with your gloss 
clear sealer. This will give them that added shine they need to look 
like real Caramel Apples! 
10. Now, display them all together sitting on plate...just be careful that no one takes a bite! 


  1. I did these last year and they were so much fun to make and pretty easy.;)

  2. Thanks for commenting. It's uncanny how
    real they look. Especially if you keep
    the paint mix thick and do the "drips"
    and leave some of the apple showing.
    I sprayed a little diluted coffee stain
    lightly on the corn cob litter to make
    them look a little more like walnuts
    before they were sealed. They are easy
    and a lot of fun. My daughter gets a
    kick out of them. If you wrap them in
    candy cellophane and tie with a ribbon
    no one can tell!


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