
September 21, 2011

Easy Blueberry Tarts and A Perfect Pie Tool Kit

One of my very necessary goals is to be conscious of what I
eat and to reach for fruit when I crave "sugar" and have
veggies when I crave something salty. Another important
thing is to limit my snacks to 25g or less of
carbohydrates per serving. I have found terrific deserts
and snacks that have 25g or come very close to it.
Since Mr. Glen Oaks is the "mad baker" around here, I've
asked him to use recipes I find and to use sugar substitutes and
follow the 25g or less of carbs. This recipe below is
wonderful, I love blueberries and they are high in antioxidants.
I can enjoy what I crave now without guilt! The cayenne pepper does something wonderfully different to the taste.
From Diabetic Living Online

Nonstick cooking spray
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 cup water
1 cup fresh blueberries
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 sheets frozen phyllo dough (9x14-inch rectangles), thawed
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly coat four 4x2x1/2-inch rectangular tart pans that have removable bottoms with cooking spray; set aside. In a small saucepan stir together 2 tablespoons sugar, the cornstarch, and cayenne pepper. Stir in water and half of the blueberries. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture is thickened and bubbly. Fold in remaining blueberries and the raspberries; set aside.
In small bowl stir together 1 tablespoon sugar and the cinnamon. Place one sheet of phyllo on cutting board. Lightly coat with cooking spray; sprinkle with about 1 teaspoon sugar mixture. Repeat layering with remaining phyllo and sugar mixture, ending with cooking spray. With a sharp knife, cut phyllo stack in half lengthwise and crosswise, forming four rectangles. Ease rectangles into prepared tart pans.
Bake for 8 minutes or until phyllo is golden brown. Cool slightly; remove shells from pans. Spoon filling into shells just before serving. Serve warm or cool.

I like adding a slice of kiwi fruit to the top of the tart.
These are quick and easy to make. I hope you enjoy them.
While we're thinking about baking, I'm posting this pie kit
because apples are in season and baking pies will be right
around the corner for Thanksgiving.
*p.s. I saw this "perfect pie tool kit" that I'm sending
for from Better Homes and Gardens. It is only available online from their website and will start shipping at the end of September. Click Perfect Pie Kit to go to BHG Holiday Store.
Here's what the kit comes with:

Perfect Pie Tool Kit

Make Perfect Pies Every Time with Our Exclusive Kitchen-Tested Kit!
  • Kit contains a pie marker for perfectly even slices.
  • Includes a 25x20-inch canvas pastry cloth large enough for rolling out 16-inch pie crusts.
  • Includes a fluted pastry cutter, rolling pin cover, and a crust protector.
  • Bonus! Six mini cutters (apple, pumpkin, acorn, maple leaf, oak leaf, and elm leaf) for cutouts and decorative edges.
  • BHG-exclusive 11-piece package is not available in stores.

Nutrition Facts Per Serving:
Servings: 4 servings
Total Fat (g)1
Monounsaturated Fat (g)1
Sodium (mg)93
Carbohydrate (g)29
Total Sugar (g)14
Fiber (g)3
Protein (g)2
Vitamin C (DV%)19
Calcium (DV%)1
Iron (DV%)5


  1. What a wonderful recipe!
    Thank you for the prayers for my husband.

  2. Hi, Debra, thank you for commenting.
    I also pray that you will find the strength you need during this very frightening and difficult ordeal.


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