
July 8, 2011

Another Family Visit, Another Recipe Trial

Here is "Chef Bubba's All American Barbeque Recipe:

This is a spareribs recipe from the Blog that looks incredibly yummy. If you remember from my last recipes post for my company I had over the 4th of July I have my sister and her hubby due here on Tuesday from Indiana. I'll be making these and the Pulled Pork Barbeque Sandwiches and the Maple French Toast Casserole. I have some Salmon recipes for the grill on cedar planks no less, and in case of malfunction, I have recipes that go under the broiler (I try to plan for possible mishaps in the kitchen, can you tell I worry a lot?). I'll be putting those Salmon recipes on the blog after we decide which ones we're using. They all have different glazes and side suggestions and they look yummy.
I'm on a mission like crazy to gather inspiring recipes before Tuesday! Wish me luck.
Warmest Regards,

Here's the link to the recipe:

Chef Bubba's All American Barbeque - Blog


  1. All I can say is YUMMO!
    When you cook again let me know my family and I will be over, just give us the day and time, LOL!!!!!!!!

    I love to cook and bake!

    Summer Blessings friend,

  2. Well, it's gonna be a week long extravaganza. My mom wants to cook this time (I think she's missed my sister) and Juan and I look forward to the break.But he'll be on grill duty at least twice. We're in Western Mass. and the kitchen closes at 9p.m.!!
    Warm Regards,


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