Is anyone else in menopause having cravings?
This has been going on with me for several months. Poor sweetie, after working 12 hours he's stopping off at the store for fried chicken, baked beans and cole slaw. I just couldn't help it. We've both eaten supper,
but we're eating again. And we wonder why we're overweight (no we don't).
The boys and I have had a quiet, lazy day. There's something in the air, it's supposed to snow again. Yesterday was just a dusting, 2 inches. It made everything pretty again after the semi-meltdown.
I've been piecing patterns over cloth all day. Trying to decide which color I'm going to use for Priscilla's dress. Priscilla is the 16" bear that Mom is getting for her birthday tomorrow. Yes, you read that correctly. Her birthday is tomorrow and Priscilla and her wardrobe are still on the table. It's not all my fault. Yes, I ordered everything with enough time to spare. But the storm (first one) delayed the deliveries. When the fur got here, guess what? The piece wasn't big enough. I don't know how I blundered but I did. Now, the second order won't be here until the 19th. Last night on the phone, I had to break the news (she's actually getting used to me breaking news since she moved South) and she said, 'Oh, sweetheart, that's o.k. I'm not a child, I'll live'. Well, I'm hoping I really am off the hook and she means it. Sis and Dan are taking her out to dinner tomorrow. Dan's birthday is actually right after Mom's so they're doing a 2-fer.
Mr. Glen Oaks will be home soon, I hope, before the snow starts again. I need to finish up here so that I can greet him at the door.
I hope you all have a peaceful, happy weekend.