
February 7, 2013

Check Out Kathy's Beautiful Finish of Faux Grain Sack Dish Towels

We're expected to get two feet of snow starting tomorrow, and I went looking for something that I could do in case the power goes out. Check out these projects from the blog Dee Duncan writes at 
Vintage Country Style.  Thank you Kathy at Kittredge Mercantile  
for posting about her recent finish of faux grain sack dish towels.
They came out beautiful, Kathy! She listed the link for Dee's tutorials so I wanted to share with more of us bloggers.
The links are below. 
I have the deep blue paint and I found some very old feed sacks that have no printing left on them anymore, it's so faded it's almost invisible. I thought I'd use those to work on. Even if the power doesn't go out, it's looking like a great project to work on. I've got my sister's birthday coming up, and if the Izannah Walker doll doesn't work out, I need back up's!!
Thank you, Kathy and Dee:
 Faux grain sack pillow covers,
Repro blue stripe grain sack flour towels

Vintage Country Style: Tutorials