
July 16, 2012

How Are You Spending Your Monday?

Good Morning, Everybody!
     How are you spending your day today?  The Mister is doing some custom work on location today for a customer and I'm doing
laundry : ) Yay... it's going to be hot today so I don't mind being in the cool of the basement. My sweetheart had the air conditioners installed in May for me and I'm still having the hot flashes from jolly Ms. Menopause.  I'm hoping they stop in the next year or two. My sister went through the same thing and hers lasted for quite a few years so I figure it's genetic. Another un-enthusiastic 'Yay'....
    I want to say a huge "Thank You" to all of the new followers that have joined the blog in the past few weeks, and to my long-time buddies that have stuck with me during my absence.
I'm really happy that you're following along and I hope that you enjoy reading along with me.
    I picked up the Polly Daggett sampler and did some work this morning because I couldn't sleep. I also started playing with my rug hook and the box of woolie worms I won from Lauren of Rugs and Pugs. I really like hooking! When I get the hang of it I'll work a real pattern for a ruglet. But, that's after the sampler is finished.
    I got my new copy of Create and Decorate and there's another great prim rag doll; the last issue had one, too.  It's the same artist that designed the prim Rabbit that I made for my Giveaway that Sheila of Seasons of Thy Heart won.  Her dolls are really large and easy to make and very primitive.
    I received my order from Brenda of With Thy Needle and Thread. Oooh, the fabrics are gorgeous. And, they are tiny prints just perfect for some lucky doll's dresses and to back a pin keep, pillow tucks and huswif needlebooks.
And, I have some vintage seam tape in a beautiful oyster shade, and the teeniest rusty jingle bells, smaller than a pea! They'll make a cute necklace or teeny eyes or buttons for snow people.
    I never seem to start early enough for the coming seasons. I know that most crafters have already started making Fall and Christmas goodies. I told myself last year that I would get started in the summer for Christmas items and so far I'm still on Spring!
Oh, well. I move at a snail's pace and I'm okay with that. No choice, really!
    I've got lots of birds visiting the water fountain for their daily drinks. I love looking out of the kitchen windows when I'm at the sink and watching them all flutter in and out of the trees and land at the water and peek in the windows at me. They are very curious to see what I'm doing, too.
The kitties love it, especially when the squirrels drop by. They have a never ending supply of acorns to munch from all of our oak trees and I'm glad for that.
    I'll leave you with this sweet picture of our mouser Biggie passed out after a busy night of hunting in workshop:

Ahh, geeze...turn the light out, will you?
