
March 9, 2012


Hi, Primmies ~
Well, she caught me in my jammers again. I had
won the PAFA Spring Giveaway from Patsy at
Lollipop Express. It's a bunny lounging on a
watermelon slice. It's painted wood and it's painted in the folk art style that I absolutely love.

Patsy, thank you so much. I love it. It's my first painted piece that I have and I treasure it.

We're granddog sitting again. This time it's for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. WooHoo! Ashley is getting an early birthday present from Tim, they are going to the White Mountains.
Timmy moved the huge kennel to the back sun room door so that I don't have to worry about leashes and them running on me. I can just open the door and let them out. Toki is huge and I can't handle him on a leash. They are good but they are starting to run too close to the road. They have a huge front yard but I'd feel better with them on leashes. Mr. Glen Oaks does the potty runs but he has to be here Saturday  to meet someone for our dryer that they bought.
And he has to go home more often this time to feed our kitties. So thanks, Tim. I feel a lot better now about letting the dogs out.

I don't know if I'll be bringing my laptop. We're making more Woofins this visit, they love them so much. I think it will be the Cheese Woofins this time, they seemed to love them. Peanut Butter and Honey Woofins next time.

It was very mild yesterday, in the seventies! The news said sixties but it was warmer than that. It's nice, I don't know what happened to winter, it seems strange...

I want to thank everyone that participated in the giveaway. It was my very first and there was a big response. Lots and lots of sweet comments and compliments. Don't forget, the sampler is STILL going to be a giveaway, I didn't think I'd do Miss Peabody that quickly. So I'll be giving you all a heads up when the sampler is coming up for giveaway. I don't have much stitching left.
I got new glasses and I can really see quite well now.

Well, I have to make dinner. We're eating late, we had a huge lunch. Take care and stay prim.


(Vintage image from Antique Images blog)