
March 3, 2012

What I'm Working On

Hi, Primmies:

I thought I'd take some pictures and share with you. I'm crazy now about the camera. It's an old one but it seems to be doing fine. There isn't a card with it but it's o.k., I just upload to the big computer and send to my email and I can post from my lap book or here. I'm at the desktop because I'm sleepy and this is easier to do photos from.

Is everyone tired of seeing snow pictures? Biggie's new thing is watching the snowflakes. Can you say "Awwwwhh"?
I must say that staining and grunging this rabbit was the most wonderful scented project I've done in a long time. I put all the good spicesI had into this almost 2 months old coffee mixture. I took it from the fridge and cooked it in the microwave:


 I'm doing the rabbit a little bit differently from the pattern instructions. What I'm holding open is the seam of an arm, oops, leg and I'm brushing in there good:

 Here's a picture of the homespun for her dress. Does a certain sampler maker recognize this? I almost fell over (I do that a lot)
when I found this in the craft room. I have YARDS of it. I must have intended to make curtains from it, for the kitchen where we last lived. I don't know, I don't know what I did yesterday:
 The pattern maker used strawberry print fabric and I thought this looked cute and similar in a way to her fabric. I know you're thinking, "Susan, strawberries and hearts are not similar", but I thought for what I had, it was darn close.

Now this part YOU might fall over. I found a couple of yards of
this very antique linen. I'm not sure what count you would call it but I know it's up there because it's harder to see than the 32ct.
I'm working on. As a treat to you guys whom I adore, I'm doing this rabbit for the giveaway after the sampler, and I'm using the linen for her undies. And I'm making an apron for her, there isn't one on the designer's rabbit but they are simple enough to do.
Here's the gorgeous linen that was in my fabric stash:

Well prims, I'm pooped. I'm going to watch a movie with
Mr. Glen Oaks and stitch. He's seeing a surgeon next week for a consultation on his hand surgery. He wants to get it over with so he can do what he loves to do, woodworking.


written Sat. March 3 at 12:29 a.m.