
March 2, 2012


Hi, Primmies ~

Good Morning!
I got a box delivered yesterday and it contained the most adorable and beautifully made Shamrock Bowl Fillers. I was the winner of Old Farmhouse Gathering Luck O' The Irish Challenge. You can read the original post HERE Luck O' The Irish Challenge and see the artists that participated in the challenge. The artist with the most votes on their challenge piece won, and I was the random number winner from among everyone who left a comment on that post.  The winner of the challenge was Robyn of Motherlode Toad Factory for her Megan the Mouse Angel. There are six Shamrock Bowl Fillers  all together in the group, they are made from a pretty shade of green muslin, and hand embroidered on the front are six famous Irish sayings:
Here they are together while I'm trying to decide how to display them so that you can read each one. I didn't have a bowl that was shallow enough. I'm using my trencher for the Rag Wrapped Easter Eggs from Sheila Seasons of Thy Heart and my Chocolate Rabbits from Brenda of The Rusty Thimble

Here's the first one. See the pretty green shamrock and each one is hand stitched with the cinnamon rubbed muslin hand embroidered Irish sayings

Here's where I decided home would be for the shamrocks, in my green cutlery carrier with my rolling pin from Williamsburg and my Mother's first rolling pin:

I thought about leaving one in my green and pink pedestal bird dish but I didn't want to separate the set. Besides, I can see them when I'm in the kitchen and making my coffee.
I snapped a few more pictures since the camera was cooperating and I try to find all of the items we have that are green. There are just a few:

This is the flower pot Angel that Ashley gave me many years ago and I have it indoors right now in my Rooster Topiary (Trace, do you like my Ollie Rooster??)
Antique Kerosene Banquet Lamp, passed on to me by my Mom

Guardian Angel portrait that my mom hung in my room when I was born
I thought you might like to see a portrait that my mom had me sit for when I was five. She made the lavender dress with the white rick rack which went on everything in the fifties and sixties. I'm holding a tussie mussie of violets.
For those of you that were in the path of yesterday's weather system I pray that you are all safe. There are more tornadoes expected today. Please pray for those that are in the target zones.

Back to stitching for me. I'll be here tomorrow morning. We're still anxiously awaiting news from Tricia until she speaks to her doctors. No news yet. Please keep praying for her to have good news...

Hugs to all of you,

written March 1st 2012