
March 1, 2012


Good Morning Primmies ~

As if watching an Eagle sitting on her nest isn't obsessive enough:
I now watch the skies for Turkey Vultures. Yes, I need an
intervention. No wonder I don't get as much done as my bloggy
friends do. But for me I did get a lot done. I'm working through
the pain and I'm using biofeedback to fight it. Mr. Glen Oaks
even asked me what had me bright and chipper when everyone
else would be winding down for the early evening.  I'm not
quite sure why, I think it's because I'm doing what I used to do
and I have so much enthusiasm. I think they used to call it
"giddy"! A Southern phrase, when I was very young my dad
used to tell my mother, "Rose, why is she so giddy-headed?"
It means frivolous, lighthearted, (lightheaded). The synonyms are not quite as kind. "Without prudence or judgement", and
unbalanced. Well that's me alright! I think it's Spring fever.
Here is the pair of turkey vultures, they migrate farther north
to breed. Well, they got here early. They were so cute. I think
there was some courting going on there and I captured it. This is the view from one of our living room windows:
As John Dillinger said to his girlfriend 'Billie',                 "Where have you been all my life?"              

"Hey, I don't kiss on the first date"
"How about dinner later? My tree or yours?"
If you have birds on the brain, here's a link called
All About BirdsThey have a little information on the turkey
and other raptors and birds. There are all sorts of new birds
coming to our yard. We put out fresh water several times a day because it freezes, and the blue jays especially love their water.
There were two baby blue jays here today. And I think the ones
I love are called Snow Buntings? Maybe someone could help
me with that one.
I have three things going on right now in the craft zone: the
Polly Daggett sampler, Safrona Ager sampler, oh wait, more
than 3, Miss Peabody, a large grunge prim rabbit, pear and crow make-do and the 3 dog coats. I have everything in various
stages except for the dog coats. Sorry dogs.
Polly Daggett as of tonight. I wish I could go faster but between her mistakes and mine I'm confused (remember I'm giddy).

Close up of the border and Polly's boo boo's. I should be in the pretty colors tomorrow.
All rolled up for the night and going in my needlework bag. My sewing project is from the March/April 2012 Issue of 
Create and Decorate. She's a rabbit called 'Miss Peabody' and
she's designed by Kim Grasso. I'm thrilled with this pattern
because the rabbit is a HUGE doll.  It doesn't indicate what size it is but the torso and the legs are soooo long. And it's grunged
pretty well, so you will adore her, I'm sure.
This is as far as I got tonight after putting the sampler down.
Biggie was tired of me ignoring him, so patterns and transfer
pen kept mysteriously ending up on the floor:
I don't use pins when I have pets underfoot. I traced the shapes and I'll sew along the traced lines and cut a 1/4 inch seam allowance. I have the prettiest fabric for her dress. It's a medium weight homespun, red and mustard check with :0) you'll have
to wait to see her wear it. I'm a stinker.

Speaking of stinkers, there go the Noah's Ark figures. Biggie does this when we try to work or use the printer. They are both good about not sprawling across the keyboards, they just like to sprawl across things in high places.
So far the 30- hour snow storm turned into not enough to shovel.
Maybe we missed the worst. We only have about 3 inches.
I snapped these while it was really starting to snow:
I don't know if you can see them, but those are mountains in the background. That's my across-the-street neighbor's yard.
My view from the kitchen. Here's our poor little neglected shed:

More of those gorgeous oak trees that like to fall on houses and power lines. Lastly, my view from my sewing chair:
Our Cypress trees outside the living room windows. The turkeys
were across this street in a huge Maple tree.
I hope you have a happy day whatever you do.

written Wednesday February 29, 2012 post Thursday March 1st