
February 15, 2012


Please read the news about GFC and sign up to follow me with Linky. It's simple, 3 easy steps.
This article is written by Brent Riggs, the developer of Linky Followers:
copyright Brent Riggs- On Building a Better Blog… Brent Riggs - -
Posted By brentriggs On February 7, 2012 @ 11:46 am In Linky Tools | 4 Comments
Three days ago I launched [1] … A couple of thousand people have already signed up for their FREE account (and it will stay FREE, promise).  People are LOVING the new site!  Here’s the scoop:
As you’ve probably heard, the popular Google Friend Connect  (“GFC”) is going away March 1st for non-Google blog platforms like WordPress, and the scuttlebutt is that it will be eventually phased out completely to be replaced by  Google+. GFC was never really so much an “I follow this blog” tool as it was an attempt at the whole Facebook “friend, like” concept.
Bloggers need a good “follower” tool and one that is not tied to a million other services (seems like Facebook, Twitter and Google are linked to everything else on the Internet).  It needs to be simple, fast, easy-to-use and reliable.
Introducing LINKY FOLLOWERS ( [2])  I’ve created this FREE service that a group of mom bloggers tested and helped develop.
One last thing, the inevitable question: can your GFC followers be automatically moved over? NO. Google won’t allow access to those accounts (the part you need like email addresses) but more importantly, YOU really shouldn’t sign up someone to a new service. They should voluntarily sign up themselves.  You’ll need to ask your GFC folks (and all your blog readers) to follow you using Linky Followers but its easy, quick and did I mention, free?  They’ll love the tool. It’s  a cool way to organize and follow the blogs you love.
You can get started by clicking FOLLOW ME over their on the right side of this blog where the Linky Followers widget is displayed, or by visiting: [2]   Hundreds of bloggers a day are signing up. Check it out. You’ll love the tools.

Check out all of my books and stuff here [3]

Bible Q&A
Vol. One


Knowing The
Will of God

Without Debt

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Article printed from On Building a Better Blog… Brent Riggs:
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[3] Check out all of my books and stuff here:
[4] New Idea: Linky Tools on Facebook!:
[5] Increase Your Traffic and Number of Link Participants:
[6] Another Great New Feature… & I’m On My Knees Begging…:
[7] Put Your Link on Linky Tools:
[8] Tweet:
Copyright © 2009 On Building a Better Blog... Brent Riggs. All rights reserved.


copyright Elsie Old Time Rabbit From Kentucky Primitives copyright
Update: The post says the pictures have the respective links to them but they don't. The patterns are from
Here Kentucky Primitives . Sorry everyone.

Hi, Primmies ~ It's my Wishlist Wednesday, some of the patterns I want to buy and work on. There will be a page for me to refer to and add to and I'd like to share with all of you.

The brand new "News From the Nest" arrived in my mailbox. It's the newsletter from The Prim Nest. They also have a blog if you don't already follow, the link is The Prim Nest Blog.
Hey, the newest thing I found there: make do's on doorknobs!
How cool is that.
Copyright Lucy'sLazyDayzPrimitives

There are a lot more patterns to see, some prim sheep that are
AHHH-dorable among many others.

I found an awesome website for prim patterns. You may be familiar with them already but I wasn't. They tend to be on the extreme side but not too much. I love primitives and all but sometimes I think that something just looks too dirty.              The patterns here are quaint, whimsical and primitives.
Here are some pictures with links to their respective e-patterns.
(I am in no way affliated with the above company nor am I being renumerated, I just love the patterns and you know me by now, I love to feature artists and websites to spread the love!)
Copyright Prim Sheep Cupboard Ornie Kentucky Primitives copyright
copyright Miss Blossom Rabbit Pattern Kentucky Primitives copyright
There are so many more to see but these are just my fave picks.
When I get some pennies saved I'm getting one of these 
e-patterns and I intend on it being another giveaway item.
I'm tired today, kinda hurting. The new medicine they gave me is non-narcotic, I can't take any "good stuff" because of my intestines and tummy, so I take Ultram but they are 50 milligram instead of the time-released I was on. These I take on demand when I have pain and I can take 2 together, and take up to 6 daily. So with these and the new muscle relaxer I'm in a lot
better shape. I've cut back on the ice packs, too. Don't seem to need them as much. Isn't that great?
I'm sorry to say the mister is not any better. He wants to do the
Spinal Cord Stimulator but the surgeon doesn't want him to. His other two Primary Care and Spine Center docs want him to.
I think he should try it, it's the only implantable device that you can have in on a trial basis. I gets implanted permanently if it works for you.  Margie, are you reading this? Any of you out there suffering with back and leg/arm pain, this could be for you. Ask your doctor about this, it's also called SCS, Spinal
Cord Stimulator.
Did you see the father on UTube shoot his daughter's laptop after she ranted about her father and mother on Facebook?
He posted it on her Facebook page so that her friends could see what he did after they read her rant. I think a bat would have
been a little more appropriate. I don't like guns...
Mister is out doing errands, which is what I should be doing, but he's afraid to let me "out" after I fell last week in the driveway.
The kitties are sleeping around my feet and I'm trying to stitch on the sampler, but they seem to think that the floss is for them to take off across the room with. Boys, stop it...
