
February 3, 2012


Hi, Primmies ~
A little post from me to let you know to visit 
The Freebie Gallery where they always have
wonderful free charts to cross stitch.

Here is the link to The Primitive Hare free
Valentine chart. It's a lovely, simple little
Isn't it sweet? I'd love to get one of these stitched
before Valentine's Day!


Update: I just looked at the live web cam and it looks like Mom and Dad Eagle are really building up the nest bowl. Mom laid her eggs around 
Feb. 23rd last year so it looks like they are right on schedule. I'm so excited.
I can't wait to see the new eaglets this year. But there's A LOT of hard work ahead for the Mom and Dad before we get to that point. If you want to read their story click
and scroll down to read the whole story about the Eagles and last year's egg laying and hatching and fledging.
They really are a fascinating couple, they will mate for life. They've been together about 5 +years now!

Hello, Primmies -

I'm just saying "Hi" and I'm trying to get more stitching done on Polly Daggett. I've been reading your blogs and commenting but seem to be so far behind in my reading. I've just found where I left off and I'm still not through the "one day ago"  posts. So I've got to read  faster I guess! I am reading all of your blogs and I WILL finish and get caught up, you know me!
We're about the same here health wise, the mister had another EMG done yesterday on his legs and lower back. There was much better news from those tests than on the arms and neck. There's no nerve damage in the legs so that's great news. I guess the next step for us is another round of the spinal injections. We had mixed results for each one of us which makes sense because we've got totally different problems but very similar  symptoms. I was talking to Margie of Hungry Hook Primitives today and I asked her which one of us was going to take care of who now that we're both a mess?? I try to be funny when there's a problem, that's the best way to get through things, humor. We still laugh a lot here, even though it's tough most of the time. If we didn't laugh I don't know how we'd manage.
I'm hoping to get a lot of stitching done today and through the weekend. We don't have any plans to go anywhere so it's in the house for us. This is a good weekend to get my sampler finished. I'm going to have the hubba take my frame to the shop and see if he can practice learning how to prim up a piece of wood. This is new to him as he is used to the fine finishes of wood and fine furniture. It took him a while to "get" what we gals love as prim and country. 
So I'll close here so that I can get some stitching done, and please know that I will get to all of my blogging friends and I'm reading your posts and I'll do my best to get my comments posted.