
January 19, 2012


Good Morning, Prim Friends -

I've been experimenting with different methods of dyeing my linen for cross stitching. I don't see why you couldn't use any fabric that you want to age, though. I used the tea method that I shared in a post HERE. Tonight I overdyed the Polly Daggett sampler that I'm working on. I used espresso coffee that I've had bottled for 3 weeks. I re-wet the linen, dipped it in the espresso, added the
alum and it's hanging in the kitchen to dry. I'm
anxious to see what it looks like when it dries.
I'll take a picture and post it tomorrow; I've made
more stitching progress and I'm into the alpha-
bet section now. 
You can make a pot of very strong tea and bottle
that and let it sit for 3-4 weeks. You would use this tea instead of the boiling water for a darker result.
Don't forget to try both ways, dry linen and wetting the linen. The dry linen will take the
color in an uneven pattern if you like that look.
You can also let the brewed coffee sit for 3-4 weeks, espresso brewed and stored for 3-4 weeks and follow the directions in the post HERE.
Always add alum for the final time in the dye.
And in my book, it states that if you spray your
stitched sampler with Scotch Guard (
mark) it will make black floss run, making streaks on the linen. There are some original samplers
where this has happened. I found that information interesting. I haven't tried it yet.
If stitching samplers is your thing, you should get a copy of the book American Samplers by
Ethyl Bolton and Eva Coe, published in 1921 by
the Daughters of the American Revolution 
(D.A.R.). It's been republished by Dover Publi-
cations, Inc., in New York.
There are the greatest verses printed  in  the book.
Verses were seldom original to the stitcher. They
were taken from the scriptures or from church
sermons. They also copied from other samplers.
Or they could have been about the girls' parents,
birth and death records of the family or about
sewing and stitching, love and marriage:
"when two fond hearts as one unite, the yoke is
easy and the burden light" 1822.
I'd like to make some pin keeps or cupboard tucks with the simple sayings.
I'm still hurting from the injection. It takes a while for the medicine to work it's way through the spine and if it is going to work it's supposed to in a couple of days. I had a bad day and night yesterday, my left leg pain was unusually bad.
Blogging and the stitching takes my mind off of the discomfort.
Tricia of Hillcrest Home and I finally got together yesterday. I emailed her and left her my phone number and she called me! She's a wonderful gal and we talked for over an hour. We plan on chatting on a regular basis. I'm anxiously awaiting my package from the giveaway and there are surprises in there that I don't know about.
I've been so lucky with the giveaways that I can't wait to finish the sampler and have my own giveaway. I feel a little guilty and think I should not enter anymore for a while!
I'll leave you with another verse that describes
how I feel:
"No star so bright as my delight" (1792)

4:05 a.m.