Hi Primmies -
I found an interesting site this evening while looking at rusty bed springs crafts. Look at what a gal named Margo came
up with:
Click the link below to go to her page of DIY craft projects
using reclaimed vintage cast offs (junk!).
Rusty Bed Springs Votive Holders On Patio Planter
Her site is also categorized by items on this site RoboMargo
with little file folders to click by items like 'windows',
'shutters', 'frames','china','luggage'.
I also got a LINK HERE for Vintage Textile Soak for vintage quilts and linens. It's supposed to be safe for all antique
fabrics. I'm going to try it on my vintage quilts.
So there are hundreds of ideas from different sites that
contribute their trash to treasure projects and some of
them are really cute and can be used in prim decorating.
A lot of them are more for shabby chic and garden settings
so I wouldn't use a lot of the ideas but the one above I
would definitely make. There're probably a few ideas in
there for everyone's taste.
These U.S. Mail bags make great prim porch pillows for
your wooden benches or wicker:
She just stuffed the bags with 2 standard bed pillows and she can sell the bags if she gets tired of them. I will use my old
feed sack/flour/sugar bags to make some pillows for my porch.
I'm stitching and I'll tell you, I'm having a very difficult time seeing the threads in the linen even with my magnifying glasses and the magnifier that you wear around your neck.
It hangs right over the needlework and I thought I would be good to go with that but I still need the 2.5+ glasses from CVS. I remember stitching the same count linen 20 years ago without ANY visual aids! Now look at me, I had no idea my eyes were so "old"! This has been harder than I thought
it would be so it's going to take a lot of time to finish these
It was 18 degrees last night and will only get up to 34 degrees today, I suppose this is the beginning of our cold weather.
Stay warm Prim friends -