
December 21, 2011

Bloggers' Crafting Goodies

Hello Again,
I just have a couple of photos today. Ashley will be back in a few days and I can ask her if we took all
the pictures or if she just missed a couple over the
The first one is (and you can tell I took it) from
Brenda at The Rusty Thimble. It's one of her Santa
Make-Dos that she posted earlier in the month on
Great, I cut off his hat. Here's Brenda's photo (much better). He is mounted on a vintage beehive bobbin and his wool Christmas tree has a big rusty star tree
topper. He's got rusty bells on his coat and the tip of his hat. This is Brenda's photo of the Snowman makedo that I purchased. He's (she?) has a big rusty bell on the end of it's green wool army blanket hat.
When I received the snowman in the mail, the box and the makedo is covered with all of this wonderful sparkly mica. It's so pretty in person.

Here's my photo on the mantel (I don't know why I
subject you to this terrible photography):

The rest of the pictures are going to be from Brenda's
Etsy Shop.
These are ornaments I bought for Ashley and Tim's Christmas tree:
                         Santa in Wool Stocking Ornament
Our Santa has a red wool cap but otherwise he is like this one. His beard is curly sheep's wool.
                         Santa Head Ornament
A Santa head ornament with tea stained face and wool hat and sheep's wool beard.
                         Primitive Santa Ornament, tuck, bowl filler
A prim black Santa Ornie with white button eyes,
a red painted hood and coat trimmed in faux fur.
He has a pinch-stitched nose and flax beard and
rusty bell on the tip of his hood and a jute rope belt with tiny pine cones on the ends of the belt.
This next photo is also Brenda's from her Etsy Shop.
 Snowhead Ornament
My ornie is not quite like this one. I have a green
polka dot print with a dotted ruff but mine also
has a bow under his ruff made from white tape
measure ribbon with green numbers. It's adorable.
Thanks for the photos, Brenda.
I had sent Sheila of Seasons of Thy Heart blog some
bittersweet for autumn since it reminds her of her
time lived in New England. She graciously sent me
this in return (I know I got the better deal!):
Sheila is known for her trademark "rusty can" florals and she has a process for doing the rust and then
applying the 'vintage' labels with a special layer over that (I don't know how she does it but they are awesome!). Here's a close-up of the can:
See the little strip of homespun tied around the lip of the can? It had an awesome special prim tag with it
but Nana Glen Oaks said she remembered doing
'something' with it but what that is she doesn't know
(ok, she gets a pass for being almost 86). I'm still
peeved tho. It was very pretty.
I'm going to close up for now. I hate to say it but I'm
fighting off another cold.  Just going to make supper
clean up the kitchen and get into my chair and watch
TCM if it's a good nite, otherwise it'll be Netflix.
Mr. Glen Oaks finished the rear shocks and replaced a shackle on the right rear. He came in soaked to the
skin and shivering. Poor bubba, he ate bacon, eggs and English muffins and is doing his office work now.
He's so easy to please.
Stay Prim, girls
    Thank you TheGraphicsFairy for the vintage image


Hello, Primmies,
I didn't forget about posting the rest of my photos today.
They are going to be of some treats from two bloggers
that I'm in frequent contact with. The treats are going to
be Christmas gifts. And, I'm done! The only gifts I had to
go  out for were for the two boys (stepson and my SIL's 
boy Tyler).
Forgive me, but The Young and the Restless is on and
then B&B. If you remember me mentioning it, I've watched
these shows forever. I know, silly but I have my vice and
the soaps are it!
So I'll be back a little later...
p.s. thanks for understanding!


Good Mornin', Primmies,
I was laughing my head off last night when I went to
Vicky's Art blog. Vicky very kindly let me post this on
my blog for those of you that didn't see it already. Also,
it reminded me not to take holiday preparations too
seriously. We should be having fun!