
December 16, 2011


Hi, Primmies,
The bell rang about 3:30 today. I think, nuts I'm in my pj's and fuzzy robe. I'm talking to Mr. Glen Oaks' son's mom, the call waiting is going off. So it's the mail man. (Embarrassing)
I take the little brown box, I see the return addy label and I
yell, "It's Virginia!!". Liz says (after her eardrum stops trobbing) "who's Virginia, a neighbor?" I say, "No, I gotta go and open this box!".
Well let me tell you girls, she's an adorable little dolly. She's perfectly prim from her head to toes. She's hugging her own

little gingerbread that's painted and cinnamonny (not a word I know I just made it one) and her apron says ' Gingerbreadblessings' .  Her hair is a jumble of red wool braids with with ties that match her black red and cream tiny square homespun. Her tea stained muslin apron has
straps with buttons and a pocket with a heart from the dress homespun. She's wearing black pantaloons (sorry, Virginia I had to lift your skirt up, no one saw).
I had found a camera in the bottom of a box of fabric in the rubble of the craft room and I thought "Hoooray" and promptly went about photographing Virginia and my other past giveaway wins. I started to take photos of the antiques from Prudence House and some auction stuff I picked up and the battery croaked. Ok, now this camera is about as old as I am and I can't possibly find the ac cord or usb to charge this thing. I don't even remember this camera. I give it to Mr. Glen Oaks when he gets in from yard work and ask him to see if he's got a cord that will work from his 5,000 usb cables that he keeps. He finds one and guess what? No photos, there's NO MEMORY CARD. Figures. Don't worry gals, I'll get a camera even if it's after Christmas. 
(I don't dare expect one now) 
If you can please visit Traci at York Mountain Primitives.
She's trying to get our help with a fellow blogger that needs
it. She's having a Silent Auction for this little penny rug
Carol from Firecracker Kids has donated to the Silent Auction. Here's what her and hubby are donating:

Have a wonderful nite, primmies.
Vintage graphics from The Graphics Fairy blog


Good Evening My Prim Friends,
Sweet ever dependable Mr. Glen Oaks drove us back to
Rutland late this afternoon to pick up my loot that I bought
from Miss Prudence. Her charming 1790's barn was lit with
candlelight and was charming at night, the windows aglow
with her handmade laurel wreaths and red ribbons
adorning each of them and the large door.
It's a shame that I don't have a camera yet but I'll tell you
what we brought home:
I had first caught sight of a fabulous REALLY prim arm
chair with the original red paint that hang on to yourselves,
holds a chamberpot. I actually have several beautiful
chamberpots and I never thought I'd have a chair for them.
It's going in our "new" prim bedroom master bath with a
vintage clawfoot tub that we had re-glazed.
Next is a bronze powder stenciled black chair with a rush
seat, again very old. A vintage dough box, be still my heart. A lidded vintage school desk complete with ink well hole.
I'm going to use it as a top to a cute antique table and it
hopefully will look like an old schoolmaster's desk.
A Toby mug, a half gallon milk bottle with beautiful adver-
tising and a cow's head from her family's farm in Connec-
ticut. A washboard with advertising on one side that says
'convenient size for airplane travel in your suitcase'.
A silverplate teapot with lovely swirly engravings (Mr. Glen Oaks really wanted this). Some really pretty antique maple picture frames just the right size for samplers. Now this is gonna get you, a first edition Gone With The Wind by
Margaret Mitchell. Prudence said that if I brought Clark
Gable back I could have it for free (the darling packed in
the school desk and said "Enjoy my love".
A hog scraper with beautiful wooden handle (another gem

from the farm). Some beautiful turned spindles that I'd like
to use for make do's. A merchant's display box for cream
bonbons with a beautiful paper label that says London Creams. The label is in perfect condition, I'm a nut for ad-
vertising boxes. A child's bonnet in vintage tiny calico (I
think it was Prudence's!) and a wrought iron candle snuffer that has a swinging snuffer cup. A 1930's flour sifter with
a crank you turn to move the little blades that move the flour through the sieve. It's got a light green wooden knob.
A donut cutter with a light green wooden knob. And a pair
of the metal roller skates that you clamped to your shoes.
I had them in the 60's. 
Prudence is a treasure and I plan on visiting her any week-
end that we can down there. We have made a friend for
life. Sometimes you meet someone that just touches your
heart, and Prudence is one of them.
I'm going to give Mr. Glen Oaks a hug and a kiss.
'Nite, primmies...