
December 7, 2011


Want to enter another great giveaway?
This one is from Barbara at TO STITCH OR NOT TO STITCH. It's her Christmas giveaway and here is

what she is offering:
Barbara's included the pattern for the sweet
little cross stitch, the floss, chenille braiding, wool the the 28ct. Jobelan.
You have to hurry, though. She's picking the
winner on December 9, 2011. Good Luck!


Ok, you knew I was gonna post before midnight, didn't you?
I couldn't help it, look at this:

The tree is from Karen at Sew Many Ways. Adorable or what??? She used a galvanized tub for the bucket that looks
like Santa's coat. Read about it HERE. She has a tutorial
for the Santa ornaments HERE. They are in the photo right
above. The tutorial for the peppermint candy garland can
be found HERE.
OK, I'm going back to my reading list...


vintage graphics from magicmoonstudio and vintagecatnip


Mornin', Primmes,
It's gonna be one of those mornings right off the bat I can tell. So, I probably won't post until maybe tonight  because I feel like I haven't read all of the blogs that I follow. Probably not since I follow 318 (is that ridiculous?). Let me know how many blogs you all follow, I'm curious now to see if I'm a nut or not. 
I say probably won't post again until tonight because if you've ever looked at my stats and seen the number of posts I've done since starting in May you'll know I'm a chatterbox. 
But I'm determined to make it through to everyone's blog and I don't know how long it will take, stopping for The Young and the Restless and The Bold and The Beautiful only. I have absolutely no plans for today so this is a perfect day to catch up, and I hope to do some Blog Housecleaning on my site, I think I still have some fall graphics on there!! For shame on me.
Also, I haven't done any changes to the header or the wall-
paper for fear of erasing everything. You may recall the horror show I had a few months back with the netbook so
you can understand why I'm reluctant. So I want to know
honestly, gals, do you think I'm a Scrooge for not decorating the blog for the holidays? I a-scared, I am (as my friend Prudence would say).  So forgive me for not changing the blog,  it's not because I am not in the spirit and all, I'm just
afraid. Yep, I have issues...
Oh, and I think I am crazy after all, some delivery men just went through the house back and forth a few times, and I
swear I smell Frankinsence and Myrrh on them...


lovely graphics from magicmoonlightfreeimages