Hi, Primmies, I'm home and we have power. Thank you to everyone who wrote and checked on me and left comments.
You're the best, my blog friends!! Our cable, telephone and internet were restored last night. We discovered that our side-by-side fridge and freezer
are not fridging and freezing. We lost our food and the
perishables during last week, and it looks like I won't be
buying any for a while. We aren't sure what could have
happened, it is a fairly new appliance so it might have been
the surges that occurred before the power went out for
good on October 29th. So while shopping for cars we are
fridge shopping I guess. We have the rental until the 14th so we have to find a car soon.
I have pictures to post of the storm and the house but I
don't feel much like seeing the pictures again yet. The
upstairs is sealed off for now, the tarps are on the roof
and are secured down for the wind and rain proofing. The
tree was removed from the house on Thursday along with
the electrician re-attaching the conduit and electric meter
to the house. Two trees came down at the same time and
fell in opposite directions; one across the street taking down
power lines, poles and my neighbor's beautiful Hawthorne
and 150 year old apple trees. The tree that hit my house was
2,000 lbs. and hit the house and roof, broke in half and
half of that half went through the roof, attic and bedroom
all the way through to the other side of the bedroom and
attic. The other half crushed the car and took down our
wires, the pole across that street and all the wires and also
pulled the conduits/meters away from 3 houses. Those
trees are heavy buggers. The neighborhood was without power 4 days longer than others because of my trees. The
adjuster came right out for the car and gave us a check on
the spot. Love Geico. The homeowner's adjuster was here
on Friday and said they will get back to us in one week. It
looks like the whole roof needs to be torn down and then
replaced, the chimney and the upstairs rooms. We have some leaking and broken windows in the breezeway which aren't that bad but along with the crushed backyard fence have been added in to the damages. We had the old copper ice dams on the roof that they are reimbursing me for.
I forgot all about those. They are a nice verdigris color now,
they would be original to the house so about 80 yrs. old.
We are slowly getting back into our routines and the shock
has worn off so I'm feeling a lot better today. We went out
to the Berkshires (looking at trucks for Mr. Glen Oaks) and
it was a really pretty drive and got me out of the house for
a change. Everyone in the neighborhood has been wonder-
ful as have been the town officials, especially the Fire Chief and the Volunteer Fire Department, who put the tarps on
the roof for us. My MIL was THE BEST, she made phone calls for the first three days and coordinated everything with
the insurance people. And Ashley and Tim gave us a warm
bed and hot food. We both got bronchitis after being in the
house in 47 degree temps. My sweetheart wouldn't leave the
trenches or the cats, Ashley has three dogs and three cats & they told us to bring them with us, but I don't see how it
would have worked. So if hubba didn't go, I didn't want
to leave him alone. I caved after 3 days and stayed overnight
and most of the next day at Ashley's. Then I went back home, that's when we really started to get sick.
All in all we are blessed that we didn't get crushed to death or lose the kitties. That's all that matters. This is just wood and stone here at the homestead. It can be replaced.
So I will close for now. It seems funny to be on here and to
have lights on. The candlelight was nice and it was quite quiet without the t.v. Would I like to live simply like that as a real prim couple would have? Ask me again in a few months...